Teaching at the School of Business and Economics
Topic outline
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Guidance and recommendations for teachers regarding generative AI - guidelines from Section for higher education development on how you, as a teacher, can talk to your students about the use of AI and ChatGPT.
Vägledning och rekommendationer för lärare gällande generativ AI - en lathund från Sektion högskolepedagogik för hur du som lärare kan prata med dina studenter om användningen av AI och ChatGPT.
Introducing AI tools for students in courses:
1) Make a short introduction by showing a PP slide on SBE:s general advice for students' use of generative AI / generella råd angående studenters användande av generativ AI (these are also automatically provided on all Moodle course rooms). Note that all students now have access to Copilot.
2) Hand out information for students / information till studenter from Section for higher education development.
3) Show Copilot in class. Prompt some example questions (such as “how can you support my learning?” or “what are the basics of ‘subject’/’research area’?”) and have a critical discussion together with the students on the answers you get . For example: What is highlighted? Is something missing? Are the answers biased? Etc…
_______________________________________________________________________________________AI-labb och experimentverkstad
Välkommen på AI-labb varje torsdag under höstterminen 2024, kl. 13 – 15 i både Kalmar och Växjö.
Växjö är platsen sal Alexandria på Universitetsbiblioteket, där projektet Människa, Maskin och Samhälle fortsätter med sin Experimentverkstad, som kört detta koncept sedan våren 2024.
I Kalmar är platsen lärosalen St2009 på Universitetsbiblioteket.
BusinessLab is a creative learning environment where students are challenged to translate and put theory into action. This can, among other things, be expressed in digital simulation tools for decision-making linked to strategies for internationalisation or optimisation of value chains; analysis of search behavior in e-commerce; analog and digital role-playing in the art of having difficult conversations; innovation and development of business models using LEGO Serious Play.
- Schedule for BusinessLab Campus Kalmar
- Schedule for BusinessLab Campus Växjö
To make a reservation, send an email to: ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se
- Schedule for BusinessLab Campus Kalmar
Linnaeus University has text tutors and special education teachers who offer guidance to students and teachers in all programs
Section for Higher Education Development provides competence development and many online resources for teachers and examiners.
If you have questions about the ethical aspects of your research work, we assist with ethical review and advisory opinions to student projects.
A concise quick guide about some of the largest and most used systems at Lnu. Here you will find a brief explanation of what the systems are used for, how to get started using them, what is expected of you, and how you can find guides, support and assistance.
Modulerna kan studeras fristående och behöver inte göras i följd
M1 – Motiverade och självständiga studenter
I denna modul berörs några faktorer som kan förbättra förutsättningarna för att studenterna ska bli mer självgående.
M2 – Studentaktiv undervisningsdesign
I denna modul berörs hur du designar för en mer studentaktiv lärandemiljö.
M3 – Varierade arbetsformer – Multimodalitet
I denna modul berörs hur olika former för kommunikation kan användas för att stärka lärandet.
We are in a time of major technological change, globalization, climate change, demands for new investments and new business models. Transition, renewal and new skills will be required. Many companies in a variety of industries face great challenges, but also great opportunities.
The aim with the School of Business and Economics' new initiative, SmålandsNavet, is to be a resource for the business development of small and medium-sized companies. Student involvement in various forms will be one important part of the initiative. Here on Moodle you will find information on how you as a teacher can use SmålandsNavet to bring students closer to companies, gaining both the students and the companies.
SmålandsNavet is financed by The Family Kamprad Foundation.