Application to Linnaues University Mentor Program is open

Application to Linnaues University Mentor Program is open

by Mirja Sjögren -
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Do you want to have a mentor from working life to strengthen your personal conditions for your future working life and career?


Through the university's mentor program, you will have close contact with a person who works within your field of interest. You will meet regularly, once a month, for two semesters.


During these meetings, you will discuss topics that are important to you in your future professional life. These may include personal prerequisites and challenges, career choices, how to approach a new job, and more.


The conversations will be based on your needs, and your mentor will be there to support you.


The program is not an education and does not include any assignments or graded components. Instead, it is an opportunity for you as a student to develop your personal qualities and gain more confidence in your competence.


Take the chance to get an extra good preparation for your future career!


Learn more and sign up today at:



Note: We cannot guarantee you a spot, but we are working to accept as many students as possible into the program.