Minor Field Studies (MFS)- Information meeting.

Minor Field Studies (MFS)- Information meeting.

by Victor Bohman -
Number of replies: 0

This information is for you who will write a degree project during fall semester 2022 or spring semester 2023:

Do you want to enhance your knowledge of global development issues? Take the opportunity to take part in Minor Field Studies (MFS) and conduct a smaller field study in a developing country. Write a degree project abroad and take the opportunity to gather material for your project in a unique way. You will find new approaches and unique topics. The theories and methods you use will be tested against new cultures, perspectives, and new academic challenges.

The application for the autumn semester of 2022 opens now. Deadline: May 3rd. 

The application for the spring semester 2023 opens during the autumn semester.

To be eligible to apply you must be a Swedish citizen or have a permanent residence permit in Sweden. Please note that the permanent right of residence of EU citizens is not to be equated with a permanent residence permit. Students from the other Nordic countries who are not Swedish citizens must have been permanent residents (registered) in Sweden for at least one year at the time of granting the application.

For more information and the application, please visit:

https://lnu.se/utbildning/under-studierna/internationella-mojligheter/skriva-sjalvstandigt-arbete-utomlands/ (only in Swedish, for information in English, please contact mfs@lnu.se, an information site in English will be launched soon)

MFS Information meeting:

  • March 16th at 4 p.m. Zoom-link will be published on the page linked above on March 15th. 

Please contact mfs@lnu.se if you have any questions!