The Swedish House of Finance Award for best Master Thesis

The Swedish House of Finance Award for best Master Thesis

by Teresa Pauditz -
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The Swedish House of Finance Award for best Master Thesis

contributed by Nasdaq Nordic Foundation

The Swedish House of Finance awards a best thesis prize to MSc students who have used Swedish Equity Data1 available from the National Data Center of the Swedish House of Finance in their work. The total prize money for the award is SEK 50.000. The prize will be awarded annually in order to stimulate students to work on topics related to financial economics by using data on Nordic financial markets. 



Master students are invited to submit their theses, defended at a Swedish college or university during the academic year 2019/20. The thesis must use data from the Swedish House of Finance Data Center, available for download at

The thesis should be written in English and have been awarded the highest grade.

A submission should include a short motivation from the thesis advisor or examiner, and a note on the awarded grade for the thesis.

The contact information should include e-mail addresses and phone numbers to the student as well as the advisor or examiner.

The thesis should be submitted as a PDF file. Only electronic submissions are accepted.

You need to submit before August 30th, 2020.


Prize Jury

A jury is formed by representatives from the Nasdaq Nordic Foundation and SSE finance department, as well as representatives from the financial industry, primarily firms who have an interest in financial data processing. The jury will pick a winner and a runner-up paper.

Winners will be notified in early September and the award ceremony will take place at the Swedish House of Finance in Stockholm during the Fall. 


About us

The Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics is Sweden’s national research center for financial economics. It hosts internationally distinguished researchers, and enables financial research and development of the highest quality.

The center serves as an independent platform where academia and both the private and public financial sectors can exchange knowledge, foster new ideas and gain access to a global network of the most prominent researchers in finance.

The Swedish House of Finance is an equally private and government funded, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. It hosts approximately 70 researchers, consisting of resident and affiliated professors as well as PhD students. 

For detailed information and instructions on how to send your thesis: