Inauguration lectures by new professors and honorary doctors.

Inauguration lectures by new professors and honorary doctors.

by Emmelie Hedin Ekholm -
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Programme 2020

This year, the School of Business and Economics are happy to announce that our honorary doctor Mary Jo Hatch will give a lecture on "Co-creation: fad, fashion or future?" Please see below for time and place.

Tuesday 28 January 2020
Inauguration lectures in Kalmar by new professors and honorary doctors.

Wednesday 29 January 2020
Inauguration lectures in Växjö by new professors and honorary doctors.

Friday 31 January 2020
16.00 Grand ceremony in KalmarSalen with conferral of degrees for doctors and honorary doctors and inauguration of new professors. 
Open for the public. No registration needed but the number of seats is limited. We ask guests to be seated no later than 15.30.
18.00 Mingle for invited guests, Glasannexet, KalmarSalen
19.00 Grand dinner for invited guests, KalmarSalen

Register your participation here.