Information meeting - continue your studies after your Bachelor Degree on Master level for a one year or two year master degree!

Information meeting - continue your studies after your Bachelor Degree on Master level for a one year or two year master degree!

by Frida Sjökvist -
Number of replies: 0

Master level studies can both broaden and deepen your competencies. It allows for you to stand out on the labour market and also makes you eligible for PhD studies.

The School of Business and Economics offers nine different one year and two year master programmes in Business Administration, Economics and Tourism Studies:

  • Business Process Control and Supply Chain Management

        Frontiers in Management Accounting & Process-based Control

       Frontiers in Logistics & Supply Chain Management


If you are interested in what it means to study at master level and want to know more about our offered programmes, you are welcome to an information session for this where you can meet with programme coordinators and students. Coffee and smaller “fika” will be served.


  • Monday 18th March at 12.00-13.00 in room Weber, Växjö
  • Wednesday 20th March at 12.00-13.00 in room Ny203, Kalmar
