An introduction to Academic Culture in Sweden

An introduction to Academic Culture in Sweden

by Emmelie Hedin Ekholm -
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Welcome to a short lecture about the academic culture in Sweden.

Many students find that the academic culture here in Sweden is different from what they are used to. In this lecture we will discuss aspects of the Swedish academic culture that is important to know as a student studying here. Some of the things we will take up are: the grading system, how to organize your study time, what plagiarism is and how to avoid it and where you can get help at the university. We hope to see you there! And feel free to bring your lunch since it is a lunch session!

Register online:

Kalmar event 

Wednesday March 28, 12-13, Redet conference room, Kalmar


Växjö event

Wednesday April 4, 12-13, K1074, Växjö


For more information: Sharla Alpenberg, Academic support centre, and Emma Krig, Office of students affairs,