Application and information regarding study abroad round 2 - Europe

Application and information regarding study abroad round 2 - Europe

by Emmelie Hedin Ekholm -
Number of replies: 0

The application for study abroad, placements within Europe and left over placements from the first round, opens today the 15th of January. Deadline is 15th of February at 13:00.

 Application is found here:


Information sessions

January 24th at 15:30 Room Ny209, Kalmar

January 24th at 16:15 Room Linné, Växjö

February 1st at 13:00 Room Röd, Ljungby


If you have any questions you are always welcome to contact us!

Emmelie Hedin Ekholm, Students in Kalmar and Hultsfred

Anderas Poltan, Students in Växjö and Ljungby