Welcome to a new semester at the School of Business and Economics, Växjö!

Welcome to a new semester at the School of Business and Economics, Växjö!

by Mikaela Möllerstedt -
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Welcome to a new semester at the School of Business and Economics! 

Below you will find some practical information that is useful before the start of the upcoming semester in January 15th. If you are going to study abroad, please look under the heading Exchange studies below.

In order to continue your studies you need to take the following steps:

  • Registration (one week before the beginning of the course and during the introduction week)

You must register yourself for courses. Enter lnu.se/student and Register here.
What is new this semester is that you do not need to register within the program.
Meaning that when you register for courses you will automatically be considered as active within the program semester.

Note! Most likely you will not be able to see what courses you are going to study until the registration period opens.  

There might be some reason to why you cannot register yourself, see described below:
- You already have a registration on the course. If so, you should be re-registered at the start of the semester.
- You have changed programmes, or start a latter part of a programme or have been re-registered to the Spring programme semester.
- You have had an approved leave of studies.
- Registration period is closed
- You do not fulfill the entry requirements for the semester or the course (please see the syllabus for the complete entry requirements).

In the above mentioned cases, the registration has to be done manually by an education administrator, please contact the School of Business and Economics ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se. However, in the last case you have to fulfill the entry requirements before you contact us. You can search for your syllabi at http://kursplan.lnu.se/search/?l=en

Tuition fee-paying student:
- If you are a fee-paying student and your payment has not been registered, you will not be able to register for your course/courses. All questions regarding payment of fees should be sent to tuitionfees@lnu.se as the fees are not administered by the faculty.

Entry requirements
To find course requirements/eligibility rules for courses you will study in the Spring check the course plan: http://kursplan.lnu.se/search

Exchange studies
Even if you are going to be studying abroad you must register for your exchange in Ladok. This is necessary in order for you to be able to qualify for the courses. However, you do not need to register for any courses.

Syllabus, literature list, timetable and course start
Before starting a new course you can search for your schedule, syllabus, literature list and information about course starting date. Go to lnu.se/student and search for your course on MyMoodle. There you will find links connected to different searching functions. Schedules will be available two weeks prior to the start of the course and in the syllabus you will find the literature list.

(Early) interruption of course
If for any reason you want to discontinue your course within three weeks after the course has started, you need to report an early interruption of course. Go to Lnu.se/student, click In English, Register here. If more than three weeks have passed, you must contact the School of Business and Economics by sending an email containing name, date of birth (personal number) and course code to ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se.

Leave of studies/Cancellation of studies
You can apply for a study break within your program by filling-out a form that you can find at lnu.se and if you search for Forms, regulations and study environment.

Written exams
Keep in mind that after registration period has closed you cannot do the examination. Only the students who have registered on time are allowed to take part on the examination, students who failed to register on time are only allowed to do it to a certain extent. 

Starting in the spring semester 2018, the final registration date for examinations will be 11 working days before the examination occurs. Please note that sign up for written exams is done through Ladok from spring semester 2018 and will be open for 30 working days. In some cases where it is open for less than 30 working days the registration opens the working day after the examination date has passed. The registration dates for your courses can be found in the exam schedule for the spring semester on MyMoodle at the page Information from the School of Business and Economics.

  • Follow these steps to register for examinations: Log in to your student Ladok account, click on the course name and then results. Here you can also register for examinations.

At salstentamen.lnu.se you are able to check the date and time for your examination.

IT support

If you have IT-related questions, please contact the IT Department Student Support



You are welcome to contact us at the School of Business and Economics if you have any questions.

E-mail: ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se. Telephone: +46 (0)480-49 71 00.
We will have limited access to our email and no staff to answer phone calls between 27th of December and 5th of January. After 8th of January the phone hours will be between 10.00-12.00 and after 16th of January we will have the usual schedule at the reception and phone hours.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Wishes from the staff at the School of Business and Economics