Proposal for reduced programme selection 2018

Proposal for reduced programme selection 2018

by Lena-Maria Aronsson -
Number of replies: 0

The heads of department and the education council have worked out a proposal for a reduced programme selection which is now presented here. This will not result in any changes for students already studying on the programmes.

The proposal is part of the school of business and economics’ long-term plan to increase the share of research and contract education and also one step on the way to meeting the requirements for the accreditation. If the proposal is approved by the faculty board it will result in a clearer programme selection with an increased share at second-cycle level and more room for developing new programmes that are adapted to demand. The proposal concerns the following programmes:

  • One-year master programmes
    No one-year master programmes will be offered – no admission of students as from the autumn term 2018. Exceptions can be made for the one-year master programmes that do not have a two-year master programme linked to them; these will be given the opportunity to develop a two-year master programme before the one-year master programme is phased out the autumn term 2019.
  • Business administration and economics programme, specialization in marketing (EGEMF) in Kalmar will be phased out
  • Music & Event Management (EGMUM)
    Investigation preparing a move of the programme from Hultsfred to Kalmar, no later than the autumn term 2020. Some courses specific for the programme may, however, be offered in Hultsfred also in the future.
  • Retail and service management (EGDSM) and customer experience management (EGCEM)
    Merger of the programmes into one to be investigated and implemented no later than the autumn term 2020.
  • International sales and marketing (EGISM)
    No admission of students for the autumn term 2018, and investigation of how the main location of the programme can be moved to Växjö/Kalmar in the future. However, some courses specific for the programme (including internship) can and should be offered in Ljungby also in the future.


What happens now?
The dean has now forwarded the proposal from the heads of department to the faculty board for a decision. The board will make their decision on the matter on December 14. The board is free to approve the proposal in its entirety, approve part of the proposal, or to dismiss it altogether. When the board has decided on the matter, more information will be presented here. We will also communicate this information to applicants to the programmes in question and to students who are currently studying on one of the affected programmes.

For more information and comments
Please read the summary of the proposal below.

If you have any questions concerning the proposal and the process, you are welcome to contact dean Helén Anderson or education coordinator Eva Eriksson