Café Karriär - Looking for job around the world, How do I become the ideal job candidate?

Café Karriär - Looking for job around the world, How do I become the ideal job candidate?

av Helena Mallin -
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How do I become the ideal job candidate?

7 tips which make you an outstanding applicant,
Tuesday 15/3, 13.00-14.00, Location: H1207, Växjö

If you are about to enter the job market or you are going to apply for an internship, you will always face similar problems. In this lecture you will get useful and concrete information on applications, which will increase your chances to be employed. Marc Thanhäuser, a student with a lot of experience of HR-work, will give you 7 tips how to improve presenting yourself and your CV i front of your future employer. His overall goal is to highlight what attracts the interest of the recruiter and leaves a good impression with the company. (In English)


Café Karriär - Looking for job around the world,

Thursday 17/3, 13.00-15.30, Location: Multimediasalen, the Library, Växjö and Hörsalen, Falken, Kalmar

Jobs and careers do no longer stop at national borders, but to get a career abroad you have to know how to apply for it. This lesson/ workshop is aimed at students that are keen on an international career. Participants will gain an understanding of the role cultural differences play in CV writing and how to prepare for an international application. What are employers looking for in different countries, which application methods work best, what skills sets make employers tick, what to mention in your CV – whether it is for a job in Shanghai, Stockholm or Sidney. (In English) CV/Resumé, Friday 18/3, 13.00-15.30, location: H1314, Växjö During this lecture we will go through how to design your CV. You will also get to ask questions. You will get tips and ideas on how to proceed. (in English)

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