av Teresa Pauditz -
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The European Court of Auditors is the European Union (EU) institution established to audit the EU finances. The Court operates as a collegiate body of 27 Members, one from each Member State. As the EU’s external auditor, the Court helps improve EU financial management and acts as an independent guardian of citizens’ financial interests. The Court promotes greater accountability and transparency and assists the European Parliament and the Council in monitoring the implementation of the EU budget. The Court is located in the small and pretty capital of Luxembourg, which has a rich cultural life and wonderful nature, and has around 900 employees with different backgrounds and from different EU Member States.

Eva Lindström is the Swedish Member, appointed by the Council in 2018, after consultation with the European Parliament, following the nomination by Sweden.  Ms Lindström has been accommodating several Swedish trainees in the last couple of years and has been particularly involved in driving the Court’s work on digitalisation. She is assigned to Chamber V, which is responsible for the area “Financing and Administering the Union” and she is also responsible for the chapter on Revenue in the Annual Report. She has previously been the reporting member for the rapid case review “Reporting on Sustainability: A stocktake of EU institutions and agencies” and is currently responsible for two performance audits on sustainable finance and gender equality.

We offer the opportunity to get practical experience working with digital transformation at an EU institution. The Court is currently working with becoming more digital and is increasing its activities related to digital audit. This traineeship offers the opportunity of being involved in the Court’s work on digital audit, contributing within areas such as network analysis, data visualisation and data analysis.

For more information on the Court’s work on digitalisation see our ECA – Journal on Big Data & Digital Audit:


In order to be eligible for a traineeship applicants must:

·        Be a national of one of the Member States of the European Union;

·        Either hold a recognised university-level diploma, or have completed at least four semesters of university study in an area of interest to the Court;

·        Wish to obtain practical training related to one of the Court’s areas of activity;

·        Not already have benefited from a traineeship (paid or unpaid) at any EU institution, body or agency, including the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank;

·        Have a thorough knowledge of one official EU language and a satisfactory knowledge of at least one other official EU language;

·        Not previously have been or are not, at the time of application, employed in an EU institution, body or agency as a member of the temporary staff, contract staff, auxiliary contract staff, employment agency staff, as a national expert on secondment to an EU institution, body or agency, or as an assistant to a Member of the European Parliament.


We are looking for

·        A master student or recent master graduate in the field of data science and analytics, or similar; 

·        Good communication and drafting skills, with the creativity and ability to communicate complex matters in an accessible fashion;

·        Self-driven with an ability to work in a multilingual, multicultural and fast-moving environment;

·        Advanced knowledge of MS Office applications, in particular Word, Excel and PowerPoint;

·        Knowledge of EU Policy and/or EU Institutions is not a prerequisite but would be an advantage;


What we offer

·        Possibility to contribute to ongoing audits and other work in areas of topical interest;

·        Opportunity to be involved in work with a variety of stakeholders across countries and EU Institutions;

·        Work experience and insight into the EU system, organisations and EU policies;

·        Contribute to the work of the Court in diverse areas and a range of EU policies;

·        Insight into the Court’s organisation and the work of a private office.


Position available at the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg for 5 months, from the 1st of October 2021 – 28th of February 2022.



The application will be open from the 1st of May – 30th of June 2021.


Applications must be written in English and submitted at the latest on the 30/06/2021 by the official application portal:

In the meantime, keep an eye on our LinkedIn profile to get the latest updates: