International Day 2019 - 10 oktober

International Day 2019 - 10 oktober

by Deleted user -
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International Day 2019 – an inspirational day for international opportunities!

To highlight the international possibilities available at Linnaeus University, you are invited to an inspirational day on the 10th of October. During this day you will get information on, among other things, studies and internships abroad.

International Day is free and fika is included!


  • 10.00-11.00 Information on exchange studies outside Europe from the International Office and student experiences (in Swedish).

  • 11:00-12:00 Information in English regarding exchange studies, internships and MFS and student experiences. 

  • 12:00-13:00 Information on internships and MFS from the International Office and student experiences (in Swedish).

  • 13:00-14:00 Information on exchange studies within Europe from the International Office and student experiences - focus on Erasmus #Erasmusday (in Swedish).

Join the sessions that works for you and bring your lunch!

See you at the 10th of October at 10.00!

Kalmar: Radix, Ra0081

Växjö: M-building, M1088