Information meetings Internationalisation - Exchange Studies, Internships and Degree Projects abroad

Information meetings Internationalisation - Exchange Studies, Internships and Degree Projects abroad

av Andreas Poltan -
Antal svar: 0


What kind of international opportunities do you have as a student at the School of Business and Economics?

Information meetings

Exchange Studies, Internships and Degree Projects abroad

Monday 24 September at 13.15-15.00 in Wicksell, Växjö (in English)

Wednesday 26 September at 17.00-18.30 in Ny200K, Kalmar (in Swedish)

Thursday 4 October at 17.15-19.00 in Leonardo, Växjö (In Swedish)


International Days

The International Office and the faculties are arranging International Days 10 October (Växjö) and 11 October (Kalmar). As soon as the schedule and sign up system is available you will get more information about these days. You will be free to attend the sessions you are interested in during the day and lunch will be served to the attendees. 


The application for exchange studies outside Europe opens 10 October, see here.

If you have any questions, please contact either of us.

Best regards,

Emmelie Hedin Ekholm (Kalmar)

Andreas Poltan (Växjö)