22VT - 5DH10E - Digital Humanities, Master Thesis - two year master level - 30 hp - Växjö
Section outline
Study dates: 9 December to 23 January (one week from course start)
Choose your supervisor as agreed via email with Kora, by 23 Dec.
Post your research plan by course start (latest end of Module 1).
Post your research plan by course start (latest end of Module 1).
Post your research plan by course start (latest end of Module 1).
Study dates: 24 January - 20 February (4 weeks)
Post your extended research plan (end of second week), comment, post final (end of Module 2).
Post your extended research plan (end of second week), comment, post final (end of Module 2).
Post your extended research plan (end of second week), comment, post final (end of Module 2).
Study dates: 21 February - 20 March (4 weeks)
Study dates: 21 Mar - 17 Apr (4 weeks)
Post your extended research plan (end of Module's third week), comment, post final (end of Module).
Post your extended research plan (end of Module's third week), comment, post final (end of Module).
Post your extended research plan (end of Module's third week), comment, post final (end of Module).
Study dates: 18 April - 08 May (3 weeks)
Post your draft (end of Module's second week), comment, post final (end of Module).
Post your draft (end of Module's first week), comment, post final (end of Module).
Post your draft (end of Module's first week), comment, post final (end of Module).
Study dates: 09 May - 29 May (3 weeks)
Post your final draft for the thesis exam seminar by 22 May 23.55. Post your review by 28 May 23.55.
Study dates: 30 May - 05 June (1 week)
The examiner posts the place the time; the examiner posts the summary of needed changes; the author submits the revised version.
- Submit your final draft for examination seminar: by 14 August 23.55
- Examination seminars will take place the week after
- Submit your student review before the examination seminar
- Final versions due within 10 working days after the examination seminar to examiner via email
- When examiner approves, submit to Ouriginal, the latest by 11 September
Post your complete and finalised drafts for the thesis exam seminar as well as the reflection in reply to the post.
The examiner posts the place the time; the reviewer posts the written report; the examiner posts the summary of needed changes; the author submits the revised version.
- Submit your final draft for examination seminar: by 18 December 23.55
- Student reviews are due by 4 January 23.55 Examination seminars will take place 9-13 January
- Final versions due within 10 working days after the examination seminar to examiner via email
- When examiner approves, submit to Ouriginal, the latest by 5 February 23.55
Post your complete and finalised drafts for the thesis exam seminar as well as the reflection in reply to the post.
The examiner posts the place the time; the reviewer posts the written report; the examiner posts the summary of needed changes; the author submits the revised version.