1. Introduction

  • Four weeks are devoted to this module to analyse the data and identify key findings.


  • Contact your supervisor and book an individual Zoom supervision with her/him to be held once you have the first draft completed.
  • By the end of the third week, write up a rough draft of section 6. Analysis.
    • Add this section to the document from Module 2 with sections 1-5 already there.
    • Continue using LNU template. 
    • Focus on key ideas rather than fine writing.
    • Further refine sections 1-5 based on what you have learnt during the empirical work.
    • Refer to the main e-book of the course, esp. chapter "Key components of the thesis" on how to structure the sections and other guidelines. 
  • Post your first draft by the end of the third week of the module to the forum.
  • Read at least one other student's document and engage in a discussion via the forum -- reflect on what they have done, suggest what they could do to further improve the writing, by Wednesday evening of the fourth week.
    • In this way you are learning from one another and supporting each other.
    • This will not be specially graded but enhances learning and also prepares you for the final seminar examination in which you will need to review one thesis. 
  • Based on feedback from the supervisor and fellow students, re-write the document and submit the updated version by the end of the final week of Module 4 to the forum.