1. Introduction

  • Module 6 is the very final working module which focuses on finalising the thesis, minor adjustments and corrections.  


  • The main task during Module 6 is to finalise the thesis:
    • Read, re-write for clarity, thinking about the reader. Consider each sentence within its paragraph, and about each paragraph within its section. The text should flow coherently.
    • Make sure that referencing is applied well with no errors.
    • Make sure all other formalities such as formatting in the LNU template, punctuation etc. are addressed well.
  • By 22 May 23.55, submit your final draft to the forum
    • Refer to the main e-book of the course and all thesis writing guidelines. Following the guidelines closely is important as they represent key criteria for grading.
  • On 23 May the students will be notified which thesis they will be reviewing
    • The reviews should be posted by 28 May 23.55, as a reply to the thread in which the thesis was posted 
    • For instructions, see "Final thesis seminar"