All information for Module 5
Completion requirements
- Module 3 is a two-week module which focuses on further analysis and writing up of the final two sections of the thesis, Discussion and Conclusions.
- The main task during Module 3 is to further analyze your results and write up the two final sections.
- By the end of the first week of Module 3, write up a rough draft of sections 7. Discussion and 8. Conclusion.
- Add this section to the document from Modules 1&2 with sections 1-6 already there.
- Continue using the LNU template.
- Further refine sections 1-6 based on your work on the final two sections.
- Now it is time to focus on fine writing, too and polish the rough ideas.
- Refer to the main e-book of the course, esp. chapter "10. Key components of the thesis" on how to structure the sections and other guidelines. Following the guidelines closely is very important as they represent key criteria for grading.
- Post your first draft by the end of the first week of the module to the forum.
- Read at least one other student's document and engage in a discussion via the forum -- reflect on what they have done, suggest what they could do to further improve the writing. In this way you are learning from one another and supporting each other. This will not be specially graded but enhances learning and also prepares you for the final seminar examination in which you will need to review one thesis.
- Contact your supervisor and book an individual Zoom supervision with him/her, ideally during the first week of Module 3.
- Based on feedback from the supervisor and fellow students, re-write the document and submit the updated version by the end of the final week of Module 3 to the forum.
1. Introduction
- Module 5 is a three-week module which focuses on further analysis and writing up of the final two sections of the thesis, Discussion and Conclusions.
- The main task during Module 5 is to further analyse your results and write up the two final sections.
- Contact your supervisor and book an individual Zoom supervision, for discussion of your draft that should be ready by the end of the second week of the module.
- By the end of the second week of Module 5, write up a rough draft of sections 7 (Discussion) and 8 (Conclusion).
- Add this section to the document from Module 3 with sections 1-6 already there.
- Continue using the LNU template.
- Further refine sections 1-6 based on your work on the final two sections.
- Now it is time to focus on fine writing, too and further polish the rough ideas.
- Refer to the main e-book of the course, esp. chapter "Key components of the thesis" on how to structure the sections and other guidelines. Following the guidelines closely is very important as they represent key criteria for grading.
- Post your first draft by the end of the second week of the module to the forum.
- Read at least one other student's document and engage in a discussion via the forum.
- Reflect on what they have done, suggest what they could do to further improve the writing, by Wednesday evening of module's third week.
- In this way you are learning from one another and supporting each other.
- This will not be specially graded but enhances learning and also prepares you for the final seminar examination in which you will need to review one thesis.
- Based on feedback from the supervisor and fellow students, re-write the document and submit the updated version by the end of the final week of Module 5 to the forum.