Topic outline

  • Discontinuation of courses and programmes at the School of Business and Economics

    Studenter som slutexaminerar vid nedläggning av kurs.

    Here you will find information you need to know about discontinuation a course and programme given by the School of Business and Economics.

    Discontinuation of courses and discontinuation of programmes is governed by local regulations at Linnaeus University, you will find them under the heading Regulations for discontinuation of programme and course.

    If you do not find the answer to your question below, please contact, mark your email with "discontinuation" and which course or programme your question concerns.

  • Courses within Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Organisation, Legal Science and Tourism Studies given before 2020

    The courses listed below are under discontinuation. If you have previously followed any of the courses you are hereby offered three final examinations for each course module, that you have not yet finished.

    Final examinations

    For courses without an asterix marking the final examinations take place between 1 September 2024 and 30 September 2025. If you intend to participate in the final examinations, and want to attend all three, please contact the administration staff at the School of Business and Economics, no later than 20 August, 2024 for further instructions. 

    For courses marked with an asterix (*) the final examinations take place between 1 November, 2023 and 2 November, 2024. If you intend to participate in the final examinations, and want to attend all three, please contact the administration staff at the School of Business and Economics, no later than 1 May, 2024 for further instructions. 

    Once the course is discontinued it is not possible to finish it.

    Courses given at institution of Management and the Institution of Marketing and Tourism

    1FE053 Entreprenörskap och verksamhetsutveckling

    1FE057 Entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande

    1FE102 Från kundens perspektiv

    1FE121 Konsumentbeteende för inrednings och butikskommunikatörer

    1FE405 Företagsekonomi I – marknadsföring

    1FE451Service Management

    1FE477 Muntlig presentationsteknik

    1FE545 Projektledning - musik och event

    1FE600 Affärsmannaskap med praktisk försäljningsteknik

    1FE601 Affärsmannaskap med praktisk försäljningsteknik

    1FE622 Företagsekonomi II – Evenemangsledning

    1FE643 E-marketing

    1FE648 Digital Marketing

    1FE666 Service Management

    1FE667 Sensoriskt märkesskapande

    1FE670 Retail Management

    1FE671 Retail Management

    1FE678 Internationell försäljning i praktiken

    1FE686 Företagsekonomi II - Internationella affärspraktiker

    1FE690 Business Relations

    1FE692 Business Relations

    1FE696 Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Management

    1FE705 Business Administration II - Business Relations, IMC & Brand Management

    1FE706 Business Administration II - Business Relations, IMC & Brand Management

    1FE710 Företagsekonomi II - Business Relations, internationella affärspraktiker - export och import

    1FE711 Företagsekonomi II - Business Relations och Internationella affärspraktiker

    1FE852 Marknadsföring

    1FE928 Business Relations

    1FE934 Grundläggande redovisning II

    1FE945 Internationell försäljning: profession, processer och utförande

    1IK400 Affärsinformatik - grundläggande datorkunskap

    1IK402 Affärsinformatik - grundläggande webbkunskap

    1IR591 International Business Studies - The Business Environment

    1IR596 International Business Studies - Business Development with International Entrepreneurship

    1MM500 Music & Event Management I – branschintroduktion

    1MM505 Music & Event Management II

    1MM706 Music & Event Management IV - självständigt arbete

    1RV010 Arbetsrättslig fortsättningskurs

    1RV016 Europarättslig reglering

    1RV017 Arbetsrättens grunder

    1RV070 Introduction to International Business Law

    1RV412 International Business Law

    1RV416 Svensk affärsrätt

    1RV815 Arbetsrättslig grundkurs

    1RV825 Handelsrättslig fortsättningskurs

    1RV901 Grundläggande beskattningsrätt

    1RV902 Handelsrätt II

    1RV906 Handelsrätt II

    1RV907 Grundläggande beskattningsrätt

    1RV908 Grundläggande beskattningsrätt

    1TR505 Turismvetenskap I – Scandinavian Tourism Management

    1TR511 Turismvetenskap I - introduktion till turism

    1TR516 Tourism Studies I - The Tourism Production System

    1TR647 Tourism Studies II - Entrepreneurship in the Tourism Industry

    1TR652 Tourism Studies II - Tourism Geo-informatics and Destination Management

    1TR657 Turismvetenskap II - metod och uppsats

    1TR716 Tourism Studies I - Scandinavian Tourism Management

    1TR762 Tourism Studies II - Tourism Management

    1TR766 Tourism Studies - Scandinavian Tourism Management and The Tourism Production System

    1TR771 Tourism Studies II - Tourism Management

    2FE032 Development of Products, Services and Experiences

    2FE054 Kommunikation företag till konsument - värdeskapande relationer

    2FE062 Modern Business Creation Practices

    2FE071 Organization Theories

    2FE073 Organizational Change and Renewal

    2FE074 Strategisk ledning

    2FE079 Modern Marketing Practices

    2FE085 Bachelor course in Accounting I

    2FE087 Bachelor course in Supply Chain Management I

    2FE251 International Business and Multiregional Entrepreneurship

    2FE415 Brand and Service Management

    2FE418 Business Marketing

    2FE425 Contemporary Strategic Management

    2FE431 Business Marketing

    2FE505 Företagsekonomi III - marknadsföring

    2FE506 Företagsekonomi III - marknadsföring

    2FE507 Företagsekonomi III - marknadsföring

    2FE515 Business Administration III - International Business and Global Marketing

    2FE530 Företagsekonomi III - ledning och utveckling i handelsföretag

    2FE531 Företagsekonomi III - Ledning och utveckling i handelsföretag

    2FE65E Företagsekonomi III - detaljhandel och service management, examensarbete

    2FE66E Företagsekonomi III - detaljhandel och service management, examensarbete (kandidat)

    2FE73E Företagsekonomi III - marknadsföring, examensarbete (kandidat)

    2FE910 Företagsekonomi III - Marknadsföring och servicelogik

    2FE930 Koncernredovisning och revision

    2FE933 Controller II - Kalkylsystem i företagande

    2FE934 Finansiering II och investering

    2RV000 Förhandlingar i teori och praktik

    2RV001 Arbetsrättslig personal- och kompetensutveckling

    2RV01E Rättsvetenskap, examensarbete (kandidat)

    2TR405 Turismvetenskap III - Turismvetenskapliga metoder

    2TR410 Event Entrepreneurship: Business Development of Temporary Attractions

    2TR412 Digital Strategies for Sustainable Destination Management

    2TR414 Sustainable Hospitalities: Human Resources and Revenue Management

    4FE076 Bolaget i samhället

    4FE077 Den finansiella redovisningens intellektuella grundvalar

    4FE07E Företagsekonomi med inriktning mot marknadsföring, examensarbete (magister)

    4FE081 E-Business Management

    4FE107 Business Process and Supply Chain Management

    4FE143 Samhällsentreprenöriellt projekt

    4FE145 Analysera samhällsentreprenöriella projekt

    4FE15E Business Administration with specialization in Marketing, Degree Project (Master)

    4FE21E Företagsekonomi med inriktning mot ekonomistyrning, examensarbete (magister)

    4FE401 International Business Simulation

    4FE402 International Business Simulation

    4FE403 Managing International Business Strategies

    4FE418 International Marketing of Small and Medium Sized Companies

    4FE440 Hållbart affärs- och marknadsföringsledarskap

    4FE511 Business Administration IV - Knowledge Based Strategies in a Distant Market Context

    4FE512 Business Administration IV - Knowledge Based Strategies in a Distant Market Context

    4FE516 Business Administration IV - International Business Strategy in Emerging Country Markets

    4FE548 Sinnesmarknadsföring, upplevelser och shoppingbeteende

    4FE62E Examensarbete i marknadsföring för Civilekonomprogrammet

    4FE902 Ekonomistyrning i flödesorienterad verksamhet

    4TR400 Tourism Geography

    4TR405 Tourism and the Digital

    4TR415 Advanced Individual Course in Tourism

    4TR500 Tourism Studies and Tourism Theory

    4TR505 Tourism and Sustainability in the Anthropocene

    4TR520 Methodology

    4TR600 Internship in Tourism

    5TR45E Tourism Studies, Degree Project (Master)

    FE1861 Storytelling

    FEK191 Projektledning- inriktning Musikbranschen

    HA1550 Handelsrätt A - översiktskurs inriktning handel och marknadsföring

    MIK230 Musikindustri- och kulturstudier, fältarbete, teori i praktisk tillämpning

    MM2550 Musik & Event Management B - Fältarbete, teori i praktisk tillämpning

    RV3011 Arbetsrättslig grundkurs

    RV3051 Juridik för kulturledare

    RV3461 Juridik om hållbar utveckling

    1FE054 Entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande*

    1FE106 Entreprenörskap: Individer, organisationer och samhället*

    1FE470 Kreativitet, entreprenörskap och innovation i svensk kontext*

    1FE471 Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in a Swedish context*

    1FE520 Företagsekonomi I - organisation, ledarskap och marknadsföring*

    1FE521 Företagsekonomi I - organisation, ledarskap och marknadsföring*

    1FE530 Projektledning I*

    1FE535 Projektledning II*

    1FE606 Inköp*

    1FE623 Företagsekonomi II - Affärsutveckling och entreprenörskap*

    1FE655 Företagsekonomi II – organisation*

    1FE701 Företagsekonomi II - redovisning och finansiering*

    1FE807 Företagande och affärsutveckling*

    2EB006 Internationell utveckling av affärsverksamhet*

    2FE002 Affärssystem och redovisningsrutiner*

    2FE004 Finansiering II*

    2FE009 Internationell företagsfinansiering och riskhantering*

    2FE016 Organization Theories*

    2FE036 Årsredovisning och koncernredovisning*

    2FE050 Redovisningsteori*

    2FE053 Projektledningens grunder*

    2FE070 Fördjupningskurs I i logistic*

    2FE077 Corporate Social Responsibility*

    2FE078 Supply Chain Management*

    2FE083 Bachelor Course in Accounting and Finance I*

    2FE213 Strategiskt inköp och förhandling*

    2FE230 Managementfördjupning I*

    2FE30E Bachelor Course in Accounting and Finance II Including Degree Project*

    2FE31E Bachelor course in Supply Chain Management II, including Degree Project*

    2FE33E Bachelor Course in Accounting II, including degree project*

    2FE410 Organisationsutveckling*

    2FE510 Företagsekonomi III – organisation*

    2FE71E Företagsekonomi III - ekonomistyrning, examensarbete (kandidat)*

    2FE74E Företagsekonomi III - organisation, examensarbete*

    2FE921 Ledarskap: modeller, metoder och metaforer*

    2FE922 Organisationer och innovation: ett teambaserat perspektiv*

    2FE924 Organisationer och innovation: ett teambaserat perspektiv*

    2FE932 Redovisning III*

    2FE93E Examensarbete i företagsekonomi (kandidat) *

    2FE940 Organisationsteorier*

    2FE943 Projektmetod*

    2FE944 Ledarskap: modeller, metoder och metaforer*

    4FE003 Logistik i försörjningskedjor*

    4FE004 Kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder och tillämpningar, del I*

    4FE005 Business Process and Supply Chain Management*

    4FE007 Bolagsstyrning, normer och riskanalyser*

    4FE013 Vetenskapsteori och metod*

    4FE017 Att skriva Masteruppsats*

    4FE050 Doing Business in Northern Europe*

    4FE073 Normer och normgivning inom bolagsstyrning*

    4FE074 Framtagning och användning av avancerad redovisningsinformation*

    4FE075 Financial Institutions and Markets*

    4FE101 Logistik i försörjningskedjor*

    4FE104 Business Process and Supply Chain Management*

    4FE11E Examensarbete i redovisning och finansiering för Civilekonomprogrammet*

    4FE144 Genomförande av ett samhällsentreprenöriellt projekt*

    4FE16E Företagsekonomi, examensarbete i entreprenörskap (magister)*

    4FE22E Managing Dynamic Organizations Including Degree Project*

    4FE24E Företagsekonomi, examensarbete i ekonomi- & verksamhetsstyrning (magister) *

    4FE412 Entrepreneurial Leadership*

    4FE421 Leadership as Construction of Meaning*

    4FE425 Business Administration IV - Management Consulting and Change Management*

    4FE520 Företagsekonomi IV - Ledarskapandets konst och kreativitet*

    4FE521 Ledarskapandets konst och kreativitet*

    4FE530 Business Administration IV - Strategic Leadership in International Contexts*

    4FE531 Strategic Leadership in International Contexts*

    4FE541 Entreprenörskap och kreativitet*

    4FE550 Organisations- och kompetensutveckling i kreativt arbete*

    4FE67E Företagsekonomi med specialisering i - organisatoriskt, kreativt och entreprenöriellt, examensarbete (magister)*

    4FE75E Business Administration with specialization in Leadership and Management, Degree Project (Master) *

    4FE93E Ekonomistyrning, examensarbete (magister)*

  • Courses within Economics and Statistics given before 2020

    The courses listed below are under discontinuation. If you have previously followed any of the courses you are hereby offered three final examinations for each course module, that you have not yet finished.

    Final examinations

    For following courses the final examinations take place between 1 September 2024 and 30 September 2025. If you intend to participate in the final examinations, and want to attend all three, please contact the administration staff at the School of Business and Economics, no later than 20 August, 2024 for further instructions. 

    Once the course is discontinued it is not possible to finish it.

    Courses given at institution of Economics and Statistics

    1NA015 Matematisk ekonomi I

    1NA017 Socio-Economics

    1NA03U Regional utveckling och strategiskt utvecklingsarbete

    1NA901 Nationalekonomi I - mikroekonomi med tillämpningar

    1NA902 Nationalekonomi I – makroekonomi

    1ST801 Ekonomisk statistik I

    1ST902 Ekonomisk statistik

    1ST903 Ekonomisk statistik

    2NA061 Socio-Economics

    4NA050 Empiriska metoder inom nationalekonomi

    4NA051 Teman i arbetsmarknadsekonomi

    4NA05E Nationalekonomi, examensarbete (magister)

    4NA070 Empiriska metoder inom nationalekonomi

    4NA071 Teman i arbetsmarknadsekonomi

    4NA073 Tillämpad nationalekonomisk metod

    4NA074 Offentlig ekonomi

  • 1NA016 Intermediate Economics I 30 credits

    The course 1NA016 Intermediate Economics has their final examinations in following course rooms:

    Module 1: 23HT-1NA070/1NA016:1-Mathematical Economics II 7,5 credits
    Module 2: 23HT-1NA071/1NA016:2/2FE086:2-Econometrics 7,5 credits
    Module 3: 23HT-1NA072/1NA016:3-Intermediate Microeconomics 7,5 credits
    Module 4: 23HT-1NA073/1NA016:4-Intermediate Macroeconomics 7,5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period: 2024-06-01--2025-09-30 

    See each course room for the final examinations.

    Questions, please contact

  • 1NA023 International Economics 7.5 credits

    The course 1NA023 has their final examinations in course room 24VT-1NA023 International Economics, 7.5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-08-01--2025-09-30

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-23
    Final examination 2: preliminary May, 2025
    Final examination 3: August, 2025

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Written Assignment, please see the course room.

    If you intend to participate in all three final examinations, please contact the School of Business and Economics education administration, no later than 5 August 2024. Please see the Information letter below for further information.

  • 1NA070 Mathematical Economics II 7.5 credits

    The course 1NA070 Mathematical Economics II has their final examinations in course room 23HT-1NA070/1NA016:1-Mathematical Economics II 7,5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period: 2024-08-20--2025-09-30 

    The written examination is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-27 
    Final examination 2: 2024-10-02
    Final examination 3: August 2025*preliminary

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Assignment, please see the course room.

  • 1NA072 Intermediate Microeconomics, 7.5 credits

    The course 1NA072 Intermediate Microeconomics has their final examinations in course room 23HT-1NA072/1NA016:3-Intermediate Microeconomics 7,5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period: 2024-08-20--2025-09-30 

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-24
    Final examination 2: 2024-12-11
    Final examination 3: end of august 2025*preliminary

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Assignment, please see the course room.

  • 1NA073 Intermediate Macroeconomics 7.5 credits

    The course 1NA073 Intermediate Macroeconomics has their final examinations in course room 23HT-1NA073/1NA016:4-Intermediate Macroeconomics 7,5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period: 2024-06-01--2025-06-30

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-06-04
    Final examination 2: 2025-01-15
    Final examination 3: June 2025*preliminary

    You sign up for the written examination in Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Assignment, please see the course room.

  • 1ST060 Business Statistics I 7.5 credits

    The course 1ST060 has their final examinations in course room 24VT-1ST060-Business Statistics I, 7.5 credits (Växjö)

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-08-20-2025-09-30.

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-20
    Final examination 2: preliminary April, 2025
    Final examination 3: preliminary August, 2025

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examinations elements; Digital query and Computer exercise with hand in assignment, please see the course room.

    If you intend to participate in all three final examinations, please contact the School of Business and Economics education administration, no later than 5 August, 2024. Please see the Information letter below for further information.

  • 1ST061 Business Statistics II 7.5 credits

    The course 1ST061 has their final examinations in course room 24VT-1ST061-Ekonomisk statistik II 7,5hp (Växjö)

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-08-29-2025-09-30.

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-29
    Final examination 2: preliminary May, 2025
    Final examination 3: preliminary August, 2025

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination elements; Digital query and Computer exercise with hand in assignment, please see the course room.

    If you intend to participate in all three final examinations, please contact the School of Business and Economics education administration, no later than 5 August, 2024. Please see the Information letter below for further information.

  • 1TR513 Tourism Studies I - Introduction to Tourism 15 credits

    The course 1TR513 has their final examinations in course room 23HT-1EM500/1TR513-Introduktion till Event Management 15hp

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-09-20-2025-10-31.

    The written examination* Module 1 is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-09-20
    Final examination 2: 2024-10-30
    Final examination 3: preliminary September, 2025

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Module 2: Written Examination, Module 2: Written Examination and Module 3: Report, please see the course room.

    If you intend to participate in all three final examinations, please contact the School of Business and Economics education administration, no later than 1 September, 2024. Please see the Information letter below for further information.

  • 2FE198 International Finance 7.5 credits

    The course 2FE198 has their final examinations in course room 24VT-2FE198/2FE34E:2-International Finance 7,5hp

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-06-01--2025-06-31. 

    The examinations* are given following:
    Final examination 1: 2024-06-07

    Final examination 2: March, 2025*preliminary
    Final examination 3: June, 2025 *preliminary

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

  • 2NA012 International Economics 7.5 credits

    The course 2NA012 has their final examinations in course room 23HT-2NA012 International Economics, 7.5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-03-01--2025-06-01

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-03-22
    Final examination 2: 2024-08-23
    Final examination 3: Preliminary May, 2025, see course room for further information.

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Written Assignment, please see the course room.

    If you intend to participate in all three final examinations, please contact the School of Business and Economics education administration, no later than March 1st 2024. Please see the Information letter below for further information.

  • 2NA016 Public Economics and Applied Policy Analysis

    The course 2NA016 has their final examinations in course room 24VT-2NA016 Public Economics 7.5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-08-29--2025-09-31

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-29
    Final examination 2: Preliminary April, 2025
    Final examination 3: Preliminary August, 2025

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

  • 2NA060 Portfolio Choice Theory and Portfolio Evaluation 7.5 credits

    The course 2NA060 Portfolio Choice Theory and Portfolio Evaluation has their final examinations in course room 23HT-1NA074/2NA060/2FE086:3-Portfolio Choice Theory 7.5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period: 2024-05-01--2025-05-31

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-05-31
    Final examination 2:  December 2024*preliminary
    Final examination 3:  May 2025*preliminary

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Written Assignment, please see the course room.

  • 2NA062 Public Economics 7.5 credits

    The course 2NA062 Public Economics has their final examinations in course room 23HT-2NA062-Public Economics 7.5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period: 2024-08-29-2025-09-31

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-29
    Final examination 2:  March 2025*preliminary
    Final examination 3:  August 2025*preliminary

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Assignment, please see the course room.

  • 2NA063 Environmental Economics and Resource Allocation 7.5 credits

    The course 2NA063 Environmental Economics and Resource Allocation has their final examinations in course room 23HT-2NA063-Environmental Economics and Resource Allocation 7.5 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period: 2024-08-20-2025-09-31

    The written examination* is given following dates: 
    Final examination 1: 2024-08-20
    Final examination 2:  November 2024*preliminary
    Final examination 3:  August 2025*preliminary

    *You sign up for the written examination via Ladok.

    For the scored examination element; Written Paper, please see the course room.

  • 4FE21E Business Administration with major within Management Accounting, Degree Project (Master), 15 credits

    The course 4FE21E has their final examinations in course room 24VT-4FE25E Degree project in Business Administration (master) 15 credits

    The course is discontinued during the period 2024-01-15--2025-02-01

  • Programmes under discontinuation

    Please see the Swedish pages, under the title Utbildningsprogram som gavs senast 2018, for further information on which programmes that are under discontinuation.

  • Discontinued courses

  • Discontinued programme