Academic Support Centre

The Academic Support Centre (ASC) offers consultation on academic writing, study skills and oral presentations. The service is free for all students at Linnaeus University. For further information see

Course room on Moodle

All courses have course rooms via the learning platform Moodle, for more information see

Student account - Student web

On Linnaeus University's website, under, you will find general information for all students at Linnaeus University. By logging in to the student account, you can access your course room on Moodle and to Ladok, for sign up for the written examination. You log in via

Study with disabilities

Students with disabilities have the possibility to use study support during their studies.

The University Library

Library is your resource for your studies, read more at Lnu.seThe University Library's distance service also offers students information, e-resources and borrow literature at a distance.

In the subject guides, you will find a selection of databases with, for example, scientific articles and other resources within your subject that help you search, evaluate and use information.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 1:22 PM