Discontinuation of a course

Local rules for first-cycle and second-cycle courses and examination prescribes that:

"Discontinuation of course

Local regulation 

  • In connection with a course being discontinued, another three examination opportunities for the course must be provided over the course of at least one year. In total, the discontinued course must have provided at least five examination opportunities. 
  • In connection with a course being discontinued, the university shall endeavour to communicate this to the students concerned."

In Local rules for first-cycle and second-cycle courses and examination it is also possible to read that:

  • "If the course is discontinued, the student is referred to the regular application procedure and the courses that are advertised."

That is, if you have been registered for a course that you have not completed and which has now been discontinued, you are referred to apply for the offer available via universityadmissions.se. You can then apply for credit transfer, read more about it under the heading If I have not completed a course that is already discontinued - Credit transfer, which you can find on discontinuation of courses and programme at the School of Business and Economics' homepage.

You can also read here: Local rules for first-cycle and second-cycle courses and examination

Discontinuation of a programme

Local regulations for degree programmes at the first- and second-cycle levels at Linnaeus University provides that:

  • "Programmes that have been dormant and that have not been offered to students for the past three years of operation shall be discontinued."

You can also read here: Local regulations for degree programmes at the first- and second-cycle levels at Linnaeus University 

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 1:38 PM