Sign up for exams

You sign up for written examinations in your Ladok via your student account. At your student account you can also find information if the written examination takes place on Campus or in the course room on Moodle. After the signing up has closed, there are no possibilities for late signing ups. Contact well in advance before the signing-up-period ends if you experience any problems with sign up.

In the Exam Schedule ( you find the signing-up-period for each examination place in a hall on Campus. Examination takes place online in course room Moodle, you find it at Ladok, were you sign up. 

The written examinations in a hall are anonymous and you will get an anonymization code when you sign up for the examination. This code should then be written on the examination instead of your name and personal number.

Sitting at an Alternative Location

Are you not able to do the written examination on the location, there might be possible to do on an alternative location, more information and the form you find on Information from the School of Business and Economics. 

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 1:38 PM