Topic outline

  • Welcome to the Faculty of Technology

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    Here you will find all the information you need to know about before and during your studies at the Faculty of Technology. If you do not find the answer to your question at this pages, please contact
  • Your First 100 Days


    As a new student at the university, there's much to learn and adapt to. We recognise that this time can be both challenging and confusing, yet filled with exciting opportunities. It might be difficult to know where to focus your attention. At the Faculty of Technology, we're here to help you navigate this journey by providing clear information about the academic and social support available to you. We aim for all new students at the Faculty of Technology to know who to turn to if they encounter difficulties or want help to improve their performance. Our efforts aim to increase the number of students who stay with us and succeed in their studies. We simply want you to thrive and feel well, and therefore, we encourage you to participate in the activities we offer during your first 100 days during which we strive to create a stable foundation for your academic journey, which, of course, continues throughout your entire study period.

    "Your First 100 Days" is a concept we at the Faculty of Technology use to describe the initial period after you start your studies with us as a new student. It is a time to acclimate to the university, learn how the studies work, and build relationships with fellow students.

    Below are some of the various initiatives provided for you during your initial time with us.

    • Get an overview of what is offered to you as a student at the Faculty of Technology! Come and mingle, meet students and staff, ask your questions, and make new friends!

      In your personal schedule, you can see when and where your session takes place.

    • SI-PASS (Supplemental Instruction - Peer-Assisted Study Sessions) is an academic support model based on learning together with others, where students regularly meet in small study groups under the guidance of an SI leader.

    • At Linnaeus University and the Faculty of Technology, we actively work to help you start building your network with future employers even during your studies. Connections with companies and organizations are crucial during your studies for case studies, internships, and thesis work.

      Our students are typically curious about their future job market, and we are convinced that both you and the industry will benefit from an increased understanding of what future jobs actually entail.

      Join us for the 2024 Career Day for Technology on November 18th!

    • Further details regarding the event will be made available at a later date.

    • Our student associations: VÄXT, WÄDUR, SPIIK, and LAMBDA organise study groups and study visits, and are an important part of the social activities related to studies.

    • Establishing good study habits is essential for successful academic performance. You can access support and guidance to help you with effective planning, reading strategies, writing skills, stress management, and building confidence as a speaker.

  • During your studies

  • International Possibilities

  • Tuition fees

  • Student Associations and Student Union (Linnaeus Union)

  • Discontinuation of courses and programmes

    When a decision is made to discontinue a course, three final examinations must be offered to you as a student.

    When a decision is made to discontinue a program, the program courses that are no longer given must be discontinued and final examinations offered.

    Link to information about Discontinuation of courses at the Faculty of Technology.