Topic outline

  • Discontinuation of 1DV510 Technical Information and Communication

  • Discontinuation of 4IL070

    The course listed below is no longer part of the course offer for the Department of Informatics and needs to be discontinued. The department has now initiated the discontinuation process. Remaining students who are interested in taking the final examination(s) must notify us by May 31st, 2024 at the latest.

    If no students return within the specific time frame, the courses will be discontinued without the final three examination sessions being carried out in accordance with the 'Process Description for Closing Courses' (LNU-2023/949)

    After the course has been discontinued, it is not possible to examine or complete the course.

    Course, Name, Journal Number

    • 4IL070 Digital ekonomi och det digitala affärslandskapet LNU-2024/1243


    Final examinations
    4IL070 Teacher Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3
    Literature study  Soumitra Chowdhury, Bo Andersson, Jan Aidemark, Niclas Eberhagen  June 2, 2024  December 20, 2024  June 3, 2025 
    Application task  Jan Aidemark  June 2, 2024  December 20, 2024 June 3, 2025 

    Contact us

    If you intend to participate in the final examinations, please contact Paulina Nilsson, no later than May 31, 2024 for further instructions.

  • Discontinuation of courses within Social Media and Web Technology, Master program, not given since 2024.

    The courses in the list below are no longer part of the course offer for the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology and need to be discontinued. The department has now initiated the discontinuation process. Remaining students who are interested in taking the final examination(s) must notify us by 31 March 2024 at the latest.

    If no students return within the specific time frame, the courses will be discontinued without the final three examination sessions being carried out in accordance with the 'Process Description for Closing Courses' (LNU-2023/949)

    After the course has been discontinued, it is not possible to examine or complete the course.


    Course, Name, Journal Number

    • 4ME301 Scientific Theories and Methods LNU-2024/458
    • 4ME302 Foundations of Computational Media LNU-2024/459
    • 4ME303 Tangible User Interfaces LNU-2024/460
    • 4ME304 Social Media Ecosystems LNU-2024/461
    • 4ME305 Web and Mobile Development LNU-2024/462
    • 4ME306 Cross-Media Design and Production LNU-2024/463
    • 4ME307 Internet Architectures  LNU-2024/464
    • 4ME308 Mobile games and entertainment LNU-2024/465
    • 4ME309 Network society and internet cultures LNU-2024/466
    • 4ME310 Adaptive and Semantic Web LNU-2024/468
    • 4ME312 Advanced Topics in Media Technology LNU-2024/467


    Contact us

    If you intend to participate in the final examinations, please contact Paulina Nilsson, no later than March 31, 2024 for further instructions.

  • Discontinuation of courses within the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, not given since 2015

    The courses in the list below are no longer part of the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering's offerings and will be discontinued. The department has now initiated the closure process. Remaining students who are interested in taking the final examination(s) must notify us by 17 November 2023 at the latest.

    If no students return within the specified time, the courses will be closed discontinued the final three examination sessions being carried out in accordance with the 'Decision on Process Description for Closing Courses' (LNU-2023/949)

    After the course has been discontinued, it is not possible to examine or complete the course.

    Course code, Name, Journal number

    1FY002 Physics and technology in the earlier years of elementary school LNU-2023/3279

    1FY031 VFU, later years + high school LNU-2023/3280

    1FY802 Physics - electricity theory and magnetism LNU-2023/3281

    1FY806 Physics - thermodynamics and statistical physics LNU-2023/3282

    1FY807 Quantum mechanics LNU-2023/3283

    1FY810 Astrophysics LNU-2023/3284

    1UB002 Business-run education for exchange students in Swedish schools LNU-2023/3289

    2ED013 Automatic Control LNU-2023/3290

    2ED083 Antenna technology LNU-2023/3292

    2ED092 Radio engineering LNU-2023/3293

    2ED103 Mobile radio communication LNU-2023/3294

    2ED130 Complementary Studies for a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering LNU-2023/3295

    2FY808 Applied quantum mechanics LNU-2023/3297

    2FY811 Optics LNU-2023/3298

    2FY812 Computer Physics I LNU-2023/3299

    2FY81E Degree Project in Engineering Physics LNU-2023/3300

    2FY82E Degree project at bachelor level in physics LNU-2023/3301

    4ED000 Estimation theory LNU-2023/3302

    4ED014 Antenna theory LNU-2023/3303

    4FY850 Computer Physics II LNU-2023/3305

    4FY888 Advanced quantum mechanics LNU-2023/3306

    Contact us

    If you intend to participate in the final examinations, please contact Emeli Wickström,, no later than November 17, 2023 for further instructions.

  • Discontinuation of courses in the Department of Mechanical Engeneering, not given since 2015

    The courses in the list below are no longer part of the course offer for the Department of Mechanical Engineering and need to be discontinued. The department has now initiated the closure process. Remaining students who are interested in taking the final examination(s) must notify us by 17 November 2023 at the latest.

    If no students return within the specified time, the courses will be closed without the final three examination sessions being carried out in accordance with the 'Decision on Process Description for Closing Courses' (LNU-2023/949)

    After the course has been discontinued, it is not possible to examine or complete the course.

    Course code, Name, Diary number

    1MT022 3D CAD - Mechanical Engineering LNU-2023/3356

    1SE001 Business-driven Quality Maintenance LNU-2023/3357

    2SE019 Integrated Bussiness Systems LNU-2023/3358

    2MT004 Facilities Planning LNU-2023/3359

    1SE007 Facilities Planning and Production Management LNU-2023/3360

    1SE018 Labour Law LNU-2023/3361

    1MT005 Advanced CAD in 3D LNU-2023/3362

    2MT023 Computer Aided Manufacturing LNU-2023/3363

    2MT025 Computer animation LNU-2023/3364

    4SE01E Degree Project LNU-2023/3365

    4MT01E Degree Project LNU-2023/3366

    2MT03E Degree Project LNU-2023/3367

    2MT01E Degree Project Industrial Engineer LNU-2023/3368

    4SE31E Degree Project, master one-year LNU-2023/3369

    2MT05E Degree Project, Mechanical Engineering - Manufacturing LNU-2023/3370

    4SE303 Case Study II LNU-2023/3371

    2MT012 Vehicle Technology LNU-2023/3372

    4SE306 Research Methodology LNU-2023/3373

    1SE005 Improvement Processes and Information Systems Design LNU-2023/3374

    4SE307 In-depth study within total quality maintenance on advanced level LNU-2023/3375

    2SE022 In-depth study within total quality maintenance on bachelor level LNU-2023/3376

    4MT002 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering LNU-2023/3377

    1SE017 Computerised Handling of Industrial Information LNU-2023/3378

    1MT014 Industrial design II LNU-2023/3379

    1MT028 Engineering Economics II LNU-2023/3380

    1SE006 Industrial Measurement and Failure Analysis LNU-2023/3381

    2MT02E Industrial Engineering and Economics, Degree Project (Bachelor) LNU-2023/3382

    1MT009 Industrial Business Strategies LNU-2023/3383

    1SE009 Working Life in Late Modernity LNU-2023/3384

    1SE004 Information Systems in Manufacturing Companies LNU-2023/3385

    1MT017 Engineering Tools LNU-2023/3386

    2SE014 Cost Analysis LNU-2023/3387

    1SE010 Quality Management LNU-2023/3388

    2MT000 Light and Heavy Vehicle LNU-2023/3389

    4SE304 Maintenance Data Management LNU-2023/3390

    1SE011 Management and Cooperation LNU-2023/3391

    2MT011 Machine Design 3 LNU-2023/3392

    2MT026 Machine Design II LNU-2023/3393

    2MT007 Machine Design III LNU-2023/3394

    2MT016 Machine Design M2 LNU-2023/3395

    2MT001 Machine Design M3 LNU-2023/3396

    2MT021 Machine Construction M4 LNU-2023/3397

    2MT00E Mechanical Engineering, Degree Project - Product Development LNU-2023/3398

    1MT004 Machine Technology, Basic Course LNU-2023/3399

    1MT018 Material Technology LNU-2023/3400

    2SE503 Methods for Process Improvement LNU-2023/3401

    4MT041 Methodology in Project Work LNU-2023/3402

    2MT006 Operations Management LNU-2023/3403

    2MT008 Production and Engineering Management LNU-2023/3404

    1SE023 Production Process Organisation LNU-2023/3405

    1MT010 Principles of Lean Production LNU-2023/3406

    2MT010 Product development LNU-2023/3407

    2MT002 Product Development through Systems Engineering LNU-2023/3408

    4MT014 Product Development - a Life Cycle Approach LNU-2023/3409

    4TE100 Project Work LNU-2023/3410

    4SE305 Risk Management and Life Cycle Management LNU-2023/3411

    1SE013 Simulation LNU-2023/3412

    4MT015 Structural Dynamics LNU-2023/3413

    1MT013 Introduction to Engineering LNU-2023/3414

    2SE023 Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Optimisation LNU-2023/3415

    1SE002 Technical Projects and Report Writing LNU-2023/3416

    1MT006 Reliability Engineering LNU-2023/3417

    1SE015 Asset Health Management I LNU-2023/3418

    4SE302 Asset Health Management II LNU-2023/3419

    1SE016 Maintenance Planning LNU-2023/3420

    4SE301 Maintenance Systems LNU-2023/3421

    4MT013 Systems Architecture and Design LNU-2023/3422

    2MT024 Tool Design LNU-2023/3423

    2MT019 Vocational Training LNU-2023/3424

    2MT100 Complementary Studies for a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering LNU-2023/3425

    2MT030 Life Cycle Cost Analysis LNU-2023/3426

    2MT027 Machine Design II LNU-2023/3427

    1SE003 Production Process Organisation - Control Costs and Integration LNU-2023/3428

    2MT003 Production and Manufacturing Methods II LNU-2023/3429

    2MT017 Project Work 2 LNU-2023/3430

    1SE019 Asset health management I LNU-2023/3431


    Contact us

    If you intend to participate in the final examinations, please contact Amelie Rosensköld,, no later than November 17, 2023 for further instructions.

  • Discontinuation of courses in Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics, not given since 2015

    The courses in the list below are no longer part of the course offer for the Department of Mathematics and need to be discontinued. The department has now initiated the closure process. Remaining students who are interested in taking the final examination(s) must notify us by 17 November 2023 at the latest.

    If no students return within the specified time, the courses will be closed without the final three examination sessions being carried out in accordance with the 'Decision on Process Description for Closing Courses' (LNU-2023/949)

    After the course has been discontinued, it is not possible to examine or complete the course.

    Course code, Name, Journal number

    1MA414 Basic mathematics for computer scientists LNU-2023/3509

    2MA151 Mathematics, science and society LNU-2023/3510

    2MA107 Mathematical physics LNU-2023/3511

    4MD339 International perspective on mathematics teaching LNU-2023/3517

    1MA221 Introductory financial mathematics LNU-2023/3518

    1MA01U Basic mathematics LNU-2023/3520

    1MA03U Vector geometry LNU-2023/3521

    1MA11U Mathematical modeling In LNU-2023/3522

    1MA14U Basic mathematics for computer scientists LNU-2023/3523

    1MA16U Discrete mathematics LNU-2023/3524

    1MA41U Basic mathematics for computer scientists LNU-2023/3525

    2MA190 Large project course in mathematical modeling LNU-2023/3533

    1MA154 Fourier analysis LNU-2023/3543

    1MA104 Analysis II LNU-2023/3547

    1MA153 Vector analysis LNU-2023/3548

    1MA141 Basic mathematics for computer scientists LNU-2023/3549

    1MA152 Multivariable analysis LNU-2023/3550

    1MA162 Discrete mathematics LNU-2023/3551

    1MA164 Cryptography and Coding Theory LNU-2023/3552

    1MA165 Multivariable analysis and vector analysis LNU-2023/3553

    1MA202 Stochastic processes LNU-2023/3554

    1MA203 Linear statistical models LNU-2023/3555

    1MA211 Applied probability theory and statistics LNU-2023/3556

    2MA101 Ordinary differential equations LNU-2023/3557

    2MA104 Optimization methods LNU-2023/3558

    2MA105 Algebraic structures in LNU-2023/3559

    2MA106 Elementary number theory LNU-2023/3560

    2MA11E Degree Project at Bachelor Level LNU-2023/3561

    4MA112 Distribution theory LNU-2023/3562

    4MA121 Algebraic structures II LNU-2023/3563

    4MA125 Dynamic system LNU-2023/3564

    4MA205 Financial modeling with stochastic processes LNU-2023/3565

    5MA11E Master's Thesis LNU-2023/3566

    4MA114 Integral equations LNU-2023/3577

    1MA111 Mathematical modeling In LNU-2023/3581

    2MA199 Complementary Studies for a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics LNU-2023/3594

    4MD335 Degree Project on the level of one year Master - Didactics of Mathematics LNU-2023/3599

    4MA122 Analytic number theory LNU-2023/3621

    Contact us

    If you intend to participate in the final examinations, please contact Emeli Wickström,, no later than November 17, 2023 for further instructions.

  • Discontinuation of courses in the Department of Informatics, not given since 2015

    The courses in the list below are no longer part of the course offer for the Department of Informatics and need to be discontinued. The department has now initiated the closure process. Remaining students who are interested in taking the final examination(s) must notify us by 17 November 2023 at the latest.

    If no students return within the specified time, the courses will be closed without the final three examination sessions being carried out in accordance with the 'Decision on Process Description for Closing Courses' (LNU-2023/949)

    After the course has been discontinued, it is not possible to examine or complete the course.

    1IK021 Business analysis LNU-2023/3432

    1IK025 Digital sustainability LNU-2023/3433

    1IK202 Communication coordination and collaboration LNU-2023/3434

    1IK212 IT in learning and collaboration LNU-2023/3435

    1IK399 Introduction to interaction design LNU-2023/3436

    1IK401 Human-Computer Interaction LNU-2023/3437

    1IK403 Project management LNU-2023/3438

    1IK404 Communication and cognition LNU-2023/3439

    1IK405 Web development with database LNU-2023/3440

    1IK407 Visualization in 3D LNU-2023/3441

    1IK408 Applied visualization LNU-2023/3442

    1IK409 Computer-aided design LNU-2023/3443

    1IK412 Computer-mediated communication LNU-2023/3444

    1IK415 Web technology introduction LNU-2023/3445

    1IK416 Introduction to computer science for IT technicians LNU-2023/3446

    1IK417 eParticipation LNU-2023/3447

    1IK426 Introduction to information technology LNU-2023/3448

    1IL007 Introduction to information logistics LNU-2023/3449

    1IL008 Change work LNU-2023/3450

    1IL010 Organization, leadership and cultural perspectives LNU-2023/3451

    1IL018 Supply Chain Management LNU-2023/3452

    1IL020 Business English LNU-2023/3453

    1IL028 Information technology overview LNU-2023/3454

    1IL037 Applied methodology LNU-2023/3455

    1IL038 The basics of information provision in processes LNU-2023/3456

    1IL040 Business development, market and strategy LNU-2023/3457

    1IL047 Project management LNU-2023/3458

    1IL050 Occupational psychology LNU-2023/3459

    1IL057 Information design LNU-2023/3460

    1IL060 Flow economics LNU-2023/3461

    1IL067 Internet and web services LNU-2023/3462

    1IL077 Information security and IT jurisprudence LNU-2023/3463

    1IL087 Business development with business systems LNU-2023/3464

    1IL097 Business and business development LNU-2023/3465

    1IL107 Database management and logistics applications LNU-2023/3466

    1IL108 Information logistics for professionals LNU-2023/3467

    1IL152 Evaluation and implementation LNU-2023/3468

    1IL227 The concept of information LNU-2023/3469

    1IL512 Evaluation and implementation LNU-2023/3470

    1IL537 System development LNU-2023/3471

    2IK002 Supply Chain Management LNU-2023/3472

    2IK003 General system theory LNU-2023/3473

    2IK013 Information system architectures LNU-2023/3474

    2IK014 Current issues in business-based information system LNU-2023/3475

    2IK020 Knowledge sharing in global software development projects LNU-2023/3476

    2IK023 Business-oriented XML LNU-2023/3477

    2IK025 Integration of information systems LNU-2023/3478

    2IK035 Business Intelligence and Data Mining LNU-2023/3479

    2IK40E Degree project in informatics LNU-2023/3480

    2IL007 WWW and databases LNU-2023/3481

    2IL00E Master's degree project LNU-2023/3482

    2IL017 Information logistics applications LNU-2023/3483

    2IL027 Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse/Data Mining LNU-2023/3484

    4IK003 Introduction to informatics at advanced level LNU-2023/3485

    4IK004 Object thinking LNU-2023/3486

    4IK005 Change and knowledge management LNU-2023/3487

    4IK006 Modeling of operational objects LNU-2023/3488

    4IK010 Information logistics application LNU-2023/3489

    4IK014 Security thinking LNU-2023/3490

    4IK015 Environmental monitoring system LNU-2023/3491

    4IK016 Strategic information security LNU-2023/3492

    4IK034 User thinking LNU-2023/3493

    4IK035 Business Intelligence and decision support LNU-2023/3494

    4IK102 User Centering LNU-2023/3495

    4IK202 E-business LNU-2023/3496

    4IK503 Introduction to informatics at advanced level LNU-2023/3497

    4IK505 Change and knowledge management LNU-2023/3498

    4IK535 Business Intelligence and decision support LNU-2023/3499

    4IK602 User Centering LNU-2023/3500

    4IL00E Degree project in information logistics LNU-2023/3501

    5IK004 Systems thinking LNU-2023/3502

    5IK010 Information logistics project LNU-2023/3503

    5IK014 History of science and philosophy of science LNU-2023/3504

    5IK024 Strategic thinking LNU-2023/3505

    5IK034 Strategic planning for information systems LNU-2023/3506

    5IK504 Systems thinking LNU-2023/3507

    BRAZ02 SwB Full-year course in Information systems and business development LNU-2023/3508


    Contact us

    If you intend to participate in the final examinations, please contact Amelie Rosensköld,, no later than November 17, 2023 for further instructions.

  • Discontinuation of 1MA165 Multivariable Calculus and Vector Calculus

    Dear student,


    You have been registered on the course 1MA165 Multivariable Calculus and Vector Calculus 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining examinations and complete the course. When the course is finally discontinued, it will no longer be possible to finish it. 

    If you are interested in finalizing the course, please send an e-mail to get access to the systems! Last day to request access is 2024-09-09 (Emeli Wickström or


    Date and time

    Sign up period


    Exam Multivariable Calculus and Vector Calculus

    2023-10-30 08:00 - 13:00

    2023-09-09 - 2023-10-17 in Ladok


    Exam Multivariable Calculus and Vector Calculus

    December, 2023

    Via e-mail before the 2023-10-17


    Last exam Multivariable Calculus and Vector Calculus

    October, 2024

    Via e-mail before the 2024-09-09







    If you are required to pay tuition fee but were not at the time of your participation in the course, it is better to apply a new course instead of paying for the old one. Information about tuition can be found here:


    If you do not have the intent to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send us an e-mail!

  • Discontinuation of 2MA903 Numerical Methods

    Dear student,


    You have been registered to the course 2MA903 Numerical Methods 5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining examinations and complete the course. When the course is finally discontinued, it will no longer be possible to finish it.


    Course content

    2101 Assignment 2.0 hp

    2102 Practical work 2.0 hp

                                 The submissions are done in the latest digital course room. Please send an e-mail to get access! Last day to request submissions is the 1st of May, 2024 (Emeli Wickström or


    2103 Written exam 1.0 hp

    2023-06-01 Reexam nr. 3/5, Numerical Methods | Anonymous, Sign up in Ladok required, Växjö 

    2023-08-19 Reexam nr. 4/5, Numerical Methods | Anonymous, Sign up in Ladok required, Växjö

    June, 2024 Reexam nr. 5/5, Numerical Methods | Ensure that the last exam is booked in Ladok. If missing, please send an e-mail to by the 1st of May, 2024 (Emeli Wickström or




    • A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
    • Only completed course can be added to a degree.
    • Information on Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology can be found here:


    If you do not have the intent to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send us an e-mail!

  • Discontinuation of 4BY064 and 4BY065 Timber Based Building Systems

    Dear student,


    You have been registered to the course 4BY064 or 4BY065 Timber Based Building Systems 7,5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not finished it.

    You are now offered a chance to finish remaining submissions and complete the course.

    When the course is finally discontinued, it will no longer be possible to finish it.


    The course can be completed by submitting assignments or writing exam.


    Dates for written exam:

    1. 30 May 2023
    2. 16 January 2024
    3. June 2024, information will follow closer to the date.


    Please, observe that the dates can be changed due to unforeseen events.

    After the last exam, the course will be discontinued.


    For participation or more information please send an email to (including your Swedish ID number).



    • A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
    • Only completed course can be added to a degree.
    • On MyMoodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses.
      The page can be found here:


    If you do not have intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send us an e-mail.

  • Discontinuation of 4BY363 and 4BY063 Scientific Methodology and Planning

    Dear student,


    You have been registered to the course 4BY363 or 4BY063 Scientific Methodology and Planning 7,5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not finished it.

    You are now offered a chance to finish remaining submissions and complete the course.

    When the course is finally discontinued, it will no longer be possible to finish it.


    Deadlines for scientific report and oral presentation:

    1. Submission 22 May 2023, oral presentation 29 May 2023
    2. Submission 8 January 2024, oral presentation 15 January 2024
    3. Submission and oral presentation June 2024, information will follow closer to the date.


    Please, observe that the dates can be changed due to unforeseen events.

    After the last deadline, the course will be discontinued.


    For participation or more information please send an email to (including your Swedish ID number).



    • A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
    • Only completed course can be added to a degree.
    • On MyMoodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses.
      The page can be found here:


    If you do not have intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send us an e-mail.

  • Discontinuation of 4BY112 CLT in Load Bearing Structures

    Dear student,


    You have been registered to the course 4BY112 CLT in Load Bearing Structures, 3 credits at Linnaeus University but have not finished it.

    You are now offered a chance to finish remaining submissions and complete the course.

    When the course is finally discontinued, it will no longer be possible to finish it.


    Deadlines for homework, project and lab reports:

    1. Submission 22 May 2023, oral presentation 29 May 2023
    2. Submission 8 January 2024, oral presentation 15 January 2024
    3. Submission and oral presentation June 2024, information will follow closer to the date.


    Please, observe that the dates can be changed due to unforeseen events.

    After the last deadline, the course will be discontinued.


    For participation or more information please send an email to (including your Swedish ID number).



    • A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
    • Only completed course can be added to a degree.
    • On MyMoodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses.
      The page can be found here:


    If you do not have intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send us an e-mail. 

  • Discontinuation of 4ED394 Topics in wave propagation

    Dear student,

    You have been registered on the course 4ED394 Topics in wave propagation 7.5 hp at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining submissions. When the course is finally discontinued, it will not be possible to finish it.


    To participate, please send a request to Emeli Wickström or (include your personal ID number).


    Submission deadlines:

    First and second submission round in connection to the course period 2023-03-27            2023-06-04

    Final submission March – June, 2024



    ·    A discontinued course can no longer be completed.

    ·    Only a completed course can be used in a degree.

    ·    On the Moodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses. The Moodle page can be found here:


    If you do not have the intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send an e-mail!




  • Information regarding the discontinuation of the course Topics in Wave Propagation 7.5 hp 4ED094

    You have taken the course Topics in Wave Propagation 7.5 hp 4ED094, in autumn 2015 or earlier years. The course is now under discontinuation.


    You completed more than half of the course and hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.


    Respond to me latest on the 1st of March, 2022 to participate in the first two rounds:





    7,5 hp


    Respond to me latest on the 1st of March, 2023 to participate in the final round of examinations.


    To participate in the final round you need to respond, even if you already participated in the first two rounds.


    If you do not get a confirmation from me, you can also e-mail


    Information about discontinuations of courses at the Faculty of Technology are also found here:


    Best Regards,





    Emeli Wickström <>

  • Discontinuation of the course 2ED113, Advanced Analog Electronics

    Dear former student,


    Information regarding the discontinuation of the course 2ED113, Advanced Analog Electronics


    You have previously taken the course 2ED113, Advanced Analog Electronics. The course is now under discontinuation.


    You have not completed the course and hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.




    Last day to register


    08:00 - 13:00



    12:00 - 17:00


    2021-03-15 - 2021-03-20





    If you wish to participate, please return an e-mail answering the following questions:

    Name (First and Last name):                   

    Personal ID number or T-number:          

    Do you have an active student account (Yes/No)?       

    Which date(s) would you like to participate?




    Best Regards,

    Emeli Wickström






    Emeli Wickström

    Utbildningsadministratör FTK – Fakulteten för Teknik



    Fakulteten för teknik

    351 95 Växjö


    0772-28 80 00  Växel

    0470-76 74 64  Direkt

    Utmanande utbildningar. Framstående forskning. Linnéuniversitetet – ett modernt, internationellt universitet i Småland.


  • Discontinued courses in the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, not given since 2015

    The courses in the list below are no longer part of the course offer for the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology and need to be discontinued. The department has now initiated the closure process. Remaining students who are interested in taking the final examination(s) must notify us by 17 November 2023 at the latest.

    If no students return within the specified time, the courses will be closed without the final three examination sessions being carried out in accordance with the 'Decision on Process Description for Closing Courses' (LNU-2023/949)

    After the course has been discontinued, it is not possible to examine or complete the course.

    1DT006 Gadgets that talk - Project course in computer technology LNU-2023/3314

    1DT101 Computer technology I LNU-2023/3315

    1DT10U Computer technology I LNU-2023/3316

    1DV008 Project in computer science LNU-2023/3317

    1DV00E Computer science, degree project (university degree) LNU-2023/3318

    1DV010 Technology Communication LNU-2023/3319

    1DV012 Operating system LNU-2023/3320

    1DV013 Database theory LNU-2023/3321

    1DV014 Database technology LNU-2023/3322

    1DV016 Algorithms and advanced data structures LNU-2023/3323

    1DV017 Language and logic LNU-2023/3324

    1DV019 Basic numerical methods LNU-2023/3325

    1DV01U Technology Communication LNU-2023/3326

    1DV02U Software engineering - Processes LNU-2023/3327

    1DV05U Problem solving and modeling LNU-2023/3328

    1DV06U Problem solving and programming LNU-2023/3329

    1DV099 Business-based education in computer science LNU-2023/3330

    1DV101 Object-oriented software engineering LNU-2023/3331

    1DV102 Software technology, processes LNU-2023/3332

    1DV10U Software Engineering LNU-2023/3333

    1DV12U Operating system LNU-2023/3334

    1DV200 Computer security LNU-2023/3335

    1DV201 Computer networks - introduction LNU-2023/3336

    1DV202 Computer networks - administration LNU-2023/3337

    1DV203 Network security LNU-2023/3338

    1DV205 Network technology LNU-2023/3339

    1DV300 Computer graphics LNU-2023/3340

    1DV405 Database technology LNU-2023/3341

    1DV406 ASP.NET Web Forms LNU-2023/3342

    1DV407 Object-oriented analysis and design with UML LNU-2023/3343

    1DV408 Web development with PHP LNU-2023/3344

    1DV409 ASP.NET MVC LNU-2023/3345

    1DV40E Degree project in computer science LNU-2023/3346

    1DV410 Web development with XML LNU-2023/3347

    1DV411 Web project I LNU-2023/3348

    1DV412 Web development with ActionScript LNU-2023/3349

    1DV413 Data structures and algorithms for real-time graphics LNU-2023/3350

    1DV415 Basic Operating System LNU-2023/3351

    1DV416 Windows administration In LNU-2023/3352

    1DV417 Linux administration In LNU-2023/3353

    1DV419 System Administration with PowerShell LNU-2023/3354

    1DV41E Degree project in computer science LNU-2023/3355


    Contact us

    If you intend to participate in the final examinations, please contact Amelie Rosensköld,, no later than November 17, 2023 for further instructions.

  • Discontinued course History, Philosophy and Science of Information Systems, 7.5 hp 5IK514

    Dear student,

    You have been registered on the course History, Philosophy and Science of Information Systems, 7.5 hp 5IK514 at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining part “Essay 4.5 hp” during the year 2022/2023. When the course is finally discontinued, it will not be possible to finish it.


    To participate, please request re-registration to Emeli Wickström or (include your personal ID number).


    Submission deadlines:

    Submission 25 October

    Re-submission 29 November

    Final submission October, 2023


    Course responsible teacher is Erdelina Kurti and examiner is Päivi Jokela.



    ·    A discontinued course can no longer be completed.

    ·    Only a completed course can be used in a degree.

    ·    On the Moodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses. The Moodle page can be found here:


    If you do not have the intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send an e-mail!

  • Discontinued 2DV600 Programvaruteknisk översiktskurs / Foundations of Software Technology 7,5 hp

    Dear student,

    You have previously taken part in the course 2DV600 Programvaruteknisk översiktskurs / Foundations of Software Technology 7,5 hp/credits at Linnaeus University, but did not complete. The course is now under discontinuation.

    Those who have not yet finished the course hereby get information about the three last opportunities to take part in examinations. After the dates below there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.

    You must notify Catrine Bramhag Svensson ( if you want to participate in any of the examinations in order to get access to the Moodle page.

    Assignment 1-4 (4 credits)

    Release date on Moodle

    Last date to submit on Moodle

    First try



    Second try



    Final try




    Written exam – campus (3,5 credits)

    Date for the exam

    Last day to register in Ladok

    Time for the exam

    First try



    8:00 - 13:00

    Second try



    8:00 - 13:00

    Final try



    8:00 - 13:00


    Written exam – online* (3,5 credits)

    Release date on Moodle

    Time for the exam

    First try


    08:00 -13:00

    Second try


    08:00 -13:00

    Final try


    08:00 -13:00


    *All students writing the exam online are required to register by booking an oral evaluation using the "Book Oral Examination - Zoom meeting" link on Moodle. The oral evaluation is a prerequisite to evaluate and grade the exam solutions. Submissions from those who have not booked oral evaluation in time will not be considered. The oral evaluation is done as a private zoom meeting where students are asked to explain their submitted solutions. 


    Last day to book zoom meeting in Moodle

    Oral exam examinations







    Examiner is Nadeem Abbas

    Please, observe that the dates can be changed due to unforeseen events. Keep yourself informed on

  • Discontinued 1DV432 Starting out with Java 7.5 credits


    You have previously followed the course 1DV432 Starting out with Java 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the dates last date, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    3,5 credits

    from 2022-08-25 12.00
    to 2022-08-26 23.59

    from 2023-01-19 12.00
    to 2023-01-20 23.59

    from 2023-08-28 12.00
    to 2023-08-29 23.59

    Nadeem Abbas

    assignments 4,0 credits

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    Nadeem Abbas


    Find classroom for quiz and theory part here:


    Note - To gain access to the course room, you must have an active student account - contact me

    I will notify you when it is activated and when you are logged in to the Moodle classroom.

    Practical assignments 4,0 credits contact the examiner


    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued IS/IT for Organizing, Communicating, and Coordinating II 15.0 hp 5IK501

    Dear student,
    You have been registered on the course IS/IT for Organizing, Communicating, and Coordinating II 15.0 hp 5IK501 at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining parts. When the course is finally discontinued, it will not be possible to finish it.

     First submission deadline
    25 May, 2022
    Second submission deadline
    16 December, 2022
    Last submission deadline
    30 May, 2023
    The course is offered for the last time from 2021-08-30 to 2022-01-16.  The final examinations will take place in the Moodle-room for the course autumn 2021. Check that you have access and notify me well in advance if you need to be added to the course room.
    ·    A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
    ·    Only a completed course can be used in a degree.
    ·    On the Moodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses. The Moodle page can be found here:
    If you do not have the intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send an e-mail to

  • Discontinued 1DV532 Starting out with Java 7.5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have previously followed the course 1DV532 Starting out with Java 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the dates below, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    3,5 credits

    2022-08-25 12.00
    2022-08-26 23.59
    deadline registration
    August 4

    2023-01-19 12.00
    2023-01-20 23.59
    deadline registration
    December 29

    2023-08-28 12.00
    2023-08-29 23.59
    deadline registration
    August 7

    Nadeem Abbas

    assignments 4,0 credits

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    Nadeem Abbas


    Find class room for quiz and theory part here:
    Registration for the quiz/theory exam is mandatory and we will not consider submissions from those who don’t register in time.  


    Note - To gain access to the course room, you must have an active student account - contact me

    I will notify you when it is activated and when you are logged in to the Moodle classroom.

    Practical assignments 4,0 credits submit assignments on the same Moodle page that we use for the quiz and theory part. 


    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued 1DV433 Structured programming with C++ 7.5 credits


    You have previously followed the course 1DV433 Structured programming with C++ 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the last date, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    3,5 credits

    2022-08-25 12.00
    2022-08-26 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 4

    2023-01-19 12.00
    2023-01-20 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 4

    2023-08-28 12.00
    2023-08-29 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 4

    Nadeem Abbas

    assignments 4,0 credits

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    2023-08-29 deadline
    until 23.59

    Nadeem Abbas


    Find classroom for quiz and theory part here:


    Note - To gain access to the course room, you must have an active student account - contact me

    I will notify you when it is activated and when you are logged in to the Moodle classroom.

    Practical assignments 4,0 credits contact the examiner


    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued 1DV533 Structured programming with C++ 7.5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have previously followed the course 1DV533 Structured programming with C++ 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the dates below, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    3,5 credits

    2022-08-25 12.00
    2022-08-26 23.59
    deadline registration
    August 4

    2023-01-19 12.00
    2023-01-20 23.59
    deadline registration
    December 29

    2023-08-28 12.00
    2023-08-29 23.59
    deadline registration
    August 7

    Nadeem Abbas

    assignments 4,0 credits

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    Nadeem Abbas


    Find classroom for quiz and theory part here:
    Registration for the quiz/theory exam is mandatory and we will not consider submissions from those who don’t register in time. 

    Note - To gain access to the course room, you must have an active student account - contact me

    I will notify you when it is activated and when you are logged in to the Moodle classroom.

    Practical assignments 4,0 credits – 
    submit assignments on the same Moodle page that we use for the quiz and theory part. 


    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued 1DV434 Object oriented programming with C++ 7.5 credits


    You have previously followed the course 1DV434 Object oriented programming with C++ 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the last date, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    3,5 credits

    2022-08-25 12.00
    2022-08-26 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 4

    2023-01-19 12.00
    2023-01-20 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 4

    2023-08-28 12.00
    2023-08-29 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 4

    Nadeem Abbas

    assignments 4,0 credits

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    2023-08-29 deadline
    until 23.59

    Nadeem Abbas

    Find classroom for quiz and theory part here:

    Note - To gain access to the course room, you must have an active student account - contact me

    I will notify you when it is activated and when you are logged in to the Moodle classroom.

    Practical assignments 4,0 credits contact the examiner

    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued 1DV534 Object oriented programming with C++ 7.5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have previously followed the course 1DV534 Object oriented programming with C++ 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the dates below, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    3,5 credits

    2022-08-25 12.00
    2022-08-26 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 4

    2023-01-19 12.00
    2023-01-20 23.59
    deadline for registration December 29

    2023-08-28 12.00
    2023-08-29 23.59
    deadline for registration
    August 7

    Nadeem Abbas

    assignments 4,0 credits

    until 23.59

    until 23.59

    2023-08-29 deadline
    until 23.59

    Nadeem Abbas

    Find classroom for quiz and theory part here:
    registration for the quiz/theory exam is mandatory and we will not consider submissions from those who don’t register in time. 

    Note - To gain access to the course room, you must have an active student account - contact me

    I will notify you when it is activated and when you are logged in to the Moodle classroom.

    Practical assignments 4,0 credits – 
    submit assignments on the same Moodle page that we use for the quiz and theory part.

    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued:1DV600 Software Technology

    Please read the information below carefully. If you have questions you cannot find the answer to you are more than welcome to ask them on Slack or by e-mail to Catrine Bramhag Svensson or course responsible.

    Dear student,

    You have previously taken part in the course 1DV600 Software Technology at Linnaeus University, but did not complete it. The course is now under discontinuation.

    Those who have not yet finished the course hereby get the offer of the three last opportunities to take part in the final examinations. After the dates below there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.

    ·         First try                    2021-04-28*

    ·         Second try               2021-08-26*

    ·         Final try                   2022-04-29*

    Examiner is Tobias Andersson Gidlund

    * Please, observe that the dates could be changed due to unforeseen events. Keep yourself informed on the course page and on

    Questions and more information


    On the MyMoodle-page you can find additional information regarding:


    ·                Sign up for written exams

    ·                How to re-activate your student account

    ·                Administrative contact persons

    If you have no intention to finish this course, we are grateful if you will inform us. Please e-mail either or contact Catrine Bramhag Svensson:

  • Discontinued: 1DV517 Language and Logic 7.5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have previously taken the course 1DV517 Language and Logic 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the dates below, no more opportunities are given.

          Course and Examination

           First examination opportunity

         Second examination opportunity

             Third examination opportunity


          Exam 4,5 credits




            Narges Khakpour

          3 credits/1601

    last day to hand in

    last day to hand in

    last day to hand in

            Narges Khakpour

    Registration for the exam takes place via

    Laboratory 3 credits / 1601- add your assignment here


    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued: 1DV720 Server Administration 7,5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have previously taken the course 1DV720 Server Administration 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the dates below, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    1DV720 /1602
    4,5 credits




    Morgan Ericsson

    3 credits

    last day to hand in

    last day to hand in

    last day to hand in

    Morgan Ericsson

    Registration for the exam takes place via

    Laboratory work: Contact the examiner by email before deadline (4 weeks before) and he will provide you with all information you need to finish the laboratory.


    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. You can either email or contact Eva Püschl,

    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned


  • Discontinued: 1DV702 Computer networks - administration 7.5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have previously taken the course 1DV702 Computer networks - administration 7.5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not completed it. This course is no longer given and will therefore be discontinued soon. Once the course is closed, there will be no opportunity to complete it. You are now offered one last chance to examine your remaining parts. After the dates below, no more opportunities are given.

    Course and Examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity


    1DV702/1601 lab 1,5 credit


    2021-11-30 2023-03-11

    Hemant Ghayvat

    1DV702/1602 lab 1,5 credit




    Hemant Ghayvat

    1DV702/1603 lab 1,5 credit


    Hemant Ghayvat

    1DV702/1604 exam 3,0 credit



    Hemant Ghayvat


    In addition:

    • A course that has been formally discontinued cannot be completed. That is, the course will no longer be able to be examined when the third opportunity has passed.

    • Only completed courses can be included in a degree.

    • On the Moodle page “Closing courses at the Faculty of Technology” there is more information about closing courses. You can find the Moodle page here:

     If you do not intend to complete your started courses, please let us know. Contact Eva Püschl,


    Closure of course in our local rules:

    Linnaeus University's local rules for courses and examinations at undergraduate and advanced level (Dnr: 2018 / 1925-1.1.1) state:

    10. Closure of course

    Local rule

    • When a course is no longer conducted or announced as a student, a decision must be made to close.

    • In connection with the closure of a course, three additional examination opportunities for the course for at least one year must be provided. In total, the completed course must have provided at least five examination opportunities.

    • In connection with the closing of a course, the university shall work to announce this to the students concerned

  • Discontinued courses 1DV006 Problem Solving and programming and 1DV007 Programming and Data Structures 7, 5 credits

    Those who have not yet finished one or more parts of the course 1DV006 or 1DV007, hereby get the offer of three last opportunities to take part in the final examinations. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.

    The courses consists of:

    Written examination (3, 5 hp)

    Laboration (4, 0 hp)

    The final dates for the examinations are:



    1st opportunity

    2nd opportunity

    (preliminary date)

    3rd opportunity (preliminary date)

    1001 Written exam 3,5 hp

    Time: 08,00-13,00
    Registration period:

    January 2021

    August 2021

    1002 Laboration 
    4,0 hp


    January 2021

    August 2021



    1st opportunity

    2nd opportunity

    (preliminary date)

    3rd opportunity (preliminary date)

    1001 Written exam 3,5 hp

    Time: 08,00-13,00
    Registration period:

    January 2021

    August 2021

    1002 Laboration 
    4,0 hp


    January 2021

    August 2021


    Written exam

    Sign up for the written exams via your student account. Please note that the dates for second and third opportunity are preliminary. Stay updated via the Public Exam Schedule.


    The sign up for the exam closes nine workdays before the exam. After this date, we cannot help you with your sign up, so please contact us well in advance if you have any questions. 


    Please contact the following persons for instructions regarding the laboration: 
    for 1DV006: Tobias Andersson-Gidlund,

    And for 1DV007: Jonas Lundberg,

     Please contact them well in advance before the dates mentioned above


  • Discontinued courses 1DV506 Problem Solving and Programming 7,5 credits and 1DV507 Programming and Data Structures 7,5 credits

    Dear former student,

    You have previously followed the course(s) 1DV506 Problem Solving and Programming 7.5 credits and 1DV507 Programming and Data Structures 7.5 credits, at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology at Linnaeus University but have not completed them. These courses are no longer offered and will therefore be discontinued. When the courses are closed, there will be no opportunities to complete them. You are therefore offered the opportunity to examine your remaining parts, which will be 3 times spread over 366 days.

    Course and examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity




    14.00-19.00(only in Växjö)


    Tobias Andersson Gidlund



    Course and examination

    First examination opportunity

    Second examination opportunity

    Third examination opportunity





    (not yet definite)

    Jonas Lundberg

    Registration for the exam takes place via

    Note that the exam takes place in both Växjö and Kalmar, so please register where you started the course.


    As for the labs, there will be an opportunity to submit them in the Moodle room:

    ·       1DV507 - VT20 in the Assignments tab named Retake 4: Assignments 1-4, until August 15, 2021.

    ·       1DV506 - Autumn 19 in the Assignments tab named Assignment 1–4: Retake 5 for everyone with an end date of August 15, 2021.


    Note! If you do not have an active student account but want access to the Moodle Room, IT Support needs to have access to your social security number to reactivate it. Contact, then inform that it is about closing course xxxx and that you want access to the Moodle room.
    If you have an active student account but do not have access to the current Moodle room - contact

    If you have questions about the examinations, you can contact Tobias and Jonas respectively. or

  • Discontinued: 2DV610 Software Testing 7,5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have been registered on the course Software Testing 7,5 credits at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. The course is not offered any more and will therefore be terminated. When the course is finally terminated, it will not be possible to finish it.  You are now offered a chance to finish remaining parts.



    Deadline for submission of task via mejl to

    Registration for examination takes place between:

    First re-examination


    1 January 2022

    1 November - 1 December 2021

    Second re-examination


    1 June 2022

    1 April - 1 May 2022

    Last re-examination


    2 January 2023

    1 November - 1 December 2022



    The examination will be in shape of an essay that covers the parts of the course that you are missing. You will need the time between registration for the exam and deadline for submission to finish your task. Registration for each occasion is made via examiner Daniel Toll, through e-mail ( or Slack @Daniel Toll. Daniel will then provide further instructions for the examination.

    Also notice:

    • A course that has been terminated can no longer be completed.
    • Only a completed course can be used in a degree.
    • On the Moodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses. The Moodle page can be found here:


    If you do not have any intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you will notify us. Please send an e-mail to Catrine Bramhag Svensson:

  • Discontinued: 4IK00E, 4IK10E, 5IK00E and 5IK10E, degree project in Informatics

    Information regarding the discontinuation of the courses 4IK00E, 4IK10E, 5IK00E and 5IK10E, degree project in Informatics

     The remaining students hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course. 

                1st Deadline Final Submission of the Thesis: 29 May, 08.00 am.

                Class meeting; B3033V (09-17)

    Examination seminar on Tuesday 04 June 

                2nd Deadline Final Submission of the Thesis. Sept 25, 08:00 am

                Class meeting; see the TimeEdit and the LMS for room and time.

    Examination Seminar will follow on Oct 04, 2019

                 3rd Deadline Final Submission of the Thesis. 25-29 May, 2020 (to be decided)

                Class meeting; see the TimeEdit and the LMS for room and time.

    Examination Seminar will follow 1-5 June, 2020 (to be decided)

    If you wish to participate, please return an e-mail to answering the following questions:

    Name (First and Last name):                   

    Personal ID number or T-number:          

    Do you have an active student account (Yes/No)?       

    Will you participate as a distance student or on campus (Distance/Campus)?        

    At which deadline do you plan to submit your final thesis (1st, 2nd, 3rd)?                

  • Discontinued1IK424 Web management 7,5 credits

    Dear student,

    You have been registered on the course 1IK424 Web management 7,5 hp at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining parts. When the course is finally discontinued, it will not be possible to finish it.

    The following examinations are given during spring 2022. To participate, please request re-registration to Emeli Wickström or (include your personal ID number).



    Begin date

    Begin time

    End time



    Exam code









    Submission of Assignment 1 between 8.00 - 23.59
















    Submission of Assignment 2 between 8.00 - 23.59








    Submission of Assignment 3 between 8.00 - 23.59
















    Submission re-exam, between 8.00 - 23.59








    Submission re-exam, between 8.00 - 23.59










    The last examination opportunities will take place during spring 2023. Again please request re-registration latest 2023-03-27 to Emeli Wickström or (include your personal ID number).



    ·    A discontinued course can no longer be completed.

    ·    Only a completed course can be used in a degree.

    ·    On the Moodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses. The Moodle page can be found here:


    If you do not have the intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send an e-mail!


    Best Regards,






    Emeli Wickström

    Utbildningsadministratör FTK – Fakulteten för Teknik



    Fakulteten för teknik

    351 95 Växjö


    0772-28 80 00  Växel

    0470-76 74 64  Direkt

  • Discontinued Knowledge sharing in global information systems teams 5IK520

    Information regarding the discontinuation of the course Knowledge sharing in global information systems teams 7.5 hp 5IK520

    You have taken the course Knowledge sharing in global information systems teams 7.5 hp 5IK520, in autumn 2020 or earlier years. The course is now under discontinuation.

    You hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.

    The submissions will be done in the Moodle-room of autumn 2020:

    Respond to me, if you cannot enter the Moodle-room! You are welcome to re-register and get access to the latest Moodle.



    Course content Delivery of Assigment
    Work Task 1, Theory paper 2.5 hp  
    1st opportunity 22 November, 11.00 in the morning
    2nd opportunity 3 January, 2022 11.00 in the morning
    Final opportunity 9 January 2023, 11.00 in the morning
    Work Task 2, Field study 5.0 hp  
    1st opportunity 29 November, 11.00 in the morning
    2nd opportunity 10 January, 2022 11.00 in the morning
    Final opportunity 16 January 2023, 11.00 in the morning


    If you cannot reach me, you can e-mail


    Emeli Wickström <>

    0772-28 80 00  Växel

    0470-76 74 64  Direkt

  • Discontinued Ethics and Profession in Information Technology 7.5 hp 4IK002

    Information regarding the discontinuation of the course Ethics and Profession in Information Technology 7.5 hp 4IK002


    You have taken the course Ethics and Profession in Information Technology 7.5 hp 4IK002, in autumn 2015 or earlier years. The course is now under discontinuation.


    You completed more than half of the course and hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.


    Respond to me latest on the 1st of November to participate in the first two rounds:





    3.0 hp

    Written exam

    4.5 hp


    Respond to me latest on the 1st of November, 2022 to participate in the final round of examinations.


    To participate in the final round you need to respond, even if you already participated in the first two rounds.


    If you do not get a confirmation from me, you can also e-mail


    Information about discontinuations of courses at the Faculty of Technology are also found here:


    Best Regards,




    Emeli Wickström <> 

    Utbildningsadministratör FTK – Fakulteten för Teknik

     0772-28 80 00  Växel

    0470-76 74 64  Direkt

  • Discontinued Epistemologies and Ontologies: Theories, Methodologies, and Methods within Informatics, 15 credits 4IK502

    You have taken the course Epistemologies and Ontologies: Theories, Methodologies, and  Methods within Informatics, 15 credits 4IK502, in autumn 2016 or earlier years. The course is now under discontinuation.


    You completed more than half of the course and hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.


    Respond to me latest on the 1st of August to participate in the first two rounds:


    1501* Assignments (5,0 hp)

    1502 Research proposal (8,0 hp)


    1601 Assignment 1 (1,0 hp)

    1602 Essay (6,5 hp)

    1603* Assignments 2 (3,0 hp)

    1604 Research proposal (4,5 hp)

    Respond to me latest on the 1st of October to participate in the first two rounds:


    1503 Individual exam (2,0 hp)


    Respond to me latest on the 1st of August, 2022 to participate in the final round:


    1501* Assignments (5,0 hp)

    1502 Research proposal (8,0 hp)


    1601 Assignment 1 (1,0 hp)

    1602 Essay (6,5 hp)

    1603* Assignments 2 (3,0 hp)

    1604 Research proposal (4,5 hp)

    Respond to me latest on the 1st of October, 2022 to to participate in the final round:


    1503 Individual exam (2,0 hp)


    To participate in the final round you need to respond, even if you already participated in the first two rounds.


    If you do not get a confirmation from me, you can also e-mail


    Best Regards,




    Emeli Wickström

    Utbildningsadministratör FTK – Fakulteten för Teknik



    Fakulteten för teknik

    351 95 Växjö


    0772-28 80 00  Växel

    0470-76 74 64  Direkt

    Utmanande utbildningar. Framstående forskning. Linnéuniversitetet – ett modernt, internationellt universitet i Småland.



  • Discontinued Automatic Control for Energy Systems 7.5 hp 4ED435

    Information regarding the discontinuation of the course Automatic Control for Energy Systems 7.5 hp 4ED435

    You have taken the course Automatic Control for Energy Systems 7.5 hp 4ED435. The course is now under discontinuation.


    You have not completed the course and hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course. The examiner is Docent Magnus Perninge.


    Re-examination of practical work and assignments will be performed in a Moodle course room of a similar subject. To participate, please send an e-mail to get access to Moodle, latest on the 30th of August.


    Written re-examinations are posted in Ladok. As usual the registration deadline for written examination is nine working days in advance.




    2021-08-30 - 2021-11-07


    2021-11-04 08:00 - 13:00

    Written examination



    2nd Examination

    2021-11-07 - 2021-12-17


    2021-12-04 12:00 - 17:00

    Written examination



    3rd Examination

    2022-08-29 - 2022-11-06


    Preliminary 2022-11-03

    Written examination


    Best Regards,



    Emeli Wickström

  • Discontinued 5ED05E and 5ED06E

    Dear former student,

    Information regarding the discontinuation of the courses 5ED05E and 5ED06E

    You have previously taken the course 5ED05E or 5ED06E, Master's Thesis in Electrical Engineering at the Linnaeus University. The courses are now under discontinuation.

    You have not completed the course and hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities during one year.


    If you wish to participate, please return an e-mail answering the following questions, latest the 5 August, 2021:

    Name (First and Last name):                   

    Personal ID number or T-number:          

    Do you have an active student account (Yes/No)?      

    Who was your tutor during your thesis?


    There will be no more opportunities to pass the course after the 5 August, 2021.


    Best Regards,

    Emeli Wickström







    Emeli Wickström

    Utbildningsadministratör FTK – Fakulteten för Teknik



    Fakulteten för teknik

    351 95 Växjö


    0772-28 80 00  Växel

    0470-76 74 64  Direkt

    Utmanande utbildningar. Framstående forskning. Linnéuniversitetet – ett modernt, internationellt universitet i Småland.


  • Discontinued IS/IT for Organizing, Communicating, and Coordinating I 15.0 hp 4IK501

    Information regarding the discontinuation of the course IS/IT for Organizing, Communicating, and Coordinating I 15.0 hp 4IK501

    You have taken the course IS/IT for Organizing, Communicating, and Coordinating I 15.0 hp 4IK501, in autumn 2020 or earlier years. The course is now under discontinuation.


    You have not completed the course and hereby get the offer of three last examination opportunities. After these dates there will be no more opportunities to pass the course.


    Re-examinations will be available in the Moodle course room of 2020. Earlier students need to send an e-mail to get access to Moodle, latest on the 1st of August.





    Assignment submissions


    Written examination


     After the grading, the Moodle-room will close. If you wish to participate in the end of year-examinations, please send an e-mail to re-open the classroom latest on 1st of December.




    2021-12-06 – 2022-01-14

    Assignment submissions

    2021-12-06 – 2022-01-14

    Written examination


      After the grading, the Moodle-room will close. If you wish to participate in the August-examinations, please send an e-mail to re-open the classroom latest on the 1st of August, 2022.




    Assignment submissions


    Written examination



    Information about discontinuations of courses at the Faculty of Technology are also found here:


    Best Regards,



    Emeli Wickström <> 

    Utbildningsadministratör FTK – Fakulteten för Teknik



    Fakulteten för teknik

    351 95 Växjö


    0772-28 80 00  Växel

    0470-76 74 64  Direkt

    Utmanande utbildningar. Framstående forskning. Linnéuniversitetet – ett modernt, internationellt universitet i Småland.


  • Discontinuation of 1MA908 Optimization and Modeling

    Dear student,


    You have been registered on the course 1MA908 Optimization and Modeling at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining examinations and complete the course. When the course is finally discontinued, it will no longer be possible to finish it.


    2202 Laborations 1.0 hp: Send an e-mail to Jonas Nordqvist before the 21 of June, 2023 to submit your report during the summer break.

    Alternatively, to participate in laborations in study period 2, please send an email to Emeli Wickström, before 2023-10-30.



    2201 Written exam  4.0 hp


    Sign up period

    Other info

    Re-examination for discontinuation 1/3 Optimization and Modeling

    2023-08-21 08:00 - 13:00

    2023-06-28 - 2023-08-08


    Kurs under nedläggning tillfälle 1 av 3

    Re-examination for discontinuation 2/3 Optimization and Modeling

    2024-01-08 14:00 - 19:00

    2023-11-10 - 2023-12-21


    Kurs under nedläggning tillfälle 2 av 3

    Re-examination for discontinuation 3/3 Optimization and Modeling

    August, 2024

    Via e-mail before 2024-06-01






    • A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
    • Only completed course can be added to a degree.
    • Information on Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology can be found here:


    If you do not have the intent to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send us an e-mail Emeli Wickström or