Where do i register for a written exam?

Log in at lnu.se/student --> My Ladok --> Select Linnaeus University and Log in --> Click on Examinations --> Click on course code --> Register

When can I register?

Registration must be done within the specified period. The last day to register for a written exam is always nine working days before the exam day.

What happens after I register for an exam?

Immediately upon registration, an anonymization code will be sent to your student e-mail. A few days before the exam, you will receive an e-mail to your student e-mail with information about the exam location and time.

When you take the exam

Valid identification must be presented at the written exam. A student who cannot present valid identification is not entitled to take the written exam.

You need to bring your anonymization code to the exam.

I missed the registration for my exam!

It is not possible to register for an exam after the registration period has closed.

If you missed registering for a written exam, you can find the exam room via the exam schedule and go there before the exam starts. If there are available seats, you may be allowed to enter 45 minutes after the exam has started.

If you missed registering for a digital exam via Inspera, unfortunately, there is no possibility to take the exam at that time.

Can't find the exam you need to register for?

If you cannot register for the exam, you should contact teknik@lnu.se well before the registration deadline.

I want to prepare for my exam by studying old exams!

You can order sample exams for your course through a form on EasIT.

More information about written exams at Linnaeus University can be found on the exam page on the student web.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 2:07 PM