Welcome to Linnaeus University 

and welcome to the Master Programme in Renewable Electric Power Systems (TAEL2) at the Faculty of Technology!

My name is Ellie Cijvat and I am the program coordinator of the Master’s Programme in Renewable Electric Power Systems. This letter contains general information and some essential links related to the content of the programme.

Please visit: https://lnu.se/en/education/Before-your-studies/  for general information from Linnaeus University and our web page for programme information. Here you can also find the programme syllabus.

Syllabi/ Literature 
Please visit:
Course and programme syllabi

The first courses are:

1BT302 - Sustainable Energy Supply - details to be announced.

1MA465 - Multivariable and Vector Calculus - details to be announced.

See Lnu.se/en/student for information on when the courses start. If you miss these course starts, you need to e-mail the course coordinator.

To help new students settle in, Linnaeus University and the Faculty of Technology have orientation days in the beginning of the semester.

A program start meeting will also be held during this time. More information will be provided later.

Career options

Advanced engineering work in industry awaits most graduates. Moreover, policy-oriented work is a good option. Renewable energy is developing fast, and highly qualified engineers have very good opportunities globally. Some alumni pursue graduate studies after they finish the master program.



Late registration is not possible! If you do not register in Ladok, you will lose your admission to the programme. Registration means that you participate in the courses, and you cannot request a refund after registration. If, for unforeseen events you cannot participate physically on campus on day one, you must take part of the courses in the digital course rooms. After the first weeks, there are laboratory lectures or seminars meaning that you will need to be on campus in order to pass your course.

Student guide

Student guide Faculty of Technology

More information
Please contact us if you have any questions or thoughts on your studies.

• If your questions are related to administrative issues related to the programme, you can contact Emeli Wickström.

• For general questions regarding studies at Linnaeus University, please contact internationalstudents@lnu.se.

• For questions regarding admission to Linnaeus University, please contact admission@lnu.se.

• For questions regarding social matters related to your study period at Linnaeus University, please contact studcoord@linnek.se.


For more information or other questions please contact:

Ellie (Pieternella) Cijvat
Programme coordinator
Email: ellie.cijvat@lnu.se
Phone: +46 470-708642
Mobile: +46 722 00 2619
room D0066, House D, Växjö campus

Emeli Wickström
Education administrator
Email: emeli.wickstrom@lnu.se
Phone: +46 470-767464
room D1126, House D, Växjö campus
Linnaeus University: 0772-28 80 00

Looking forward to having you in our programme!

Best Regards

Ellie Cijvat

Linnaeus University: 0772-28 80 00

Last modified: Thursday, 21 March 2024, 8:28 AM