Section outline
The main design product you will be producing is an interactive prototype that provides a specification of the design outcome. The design solution is presented via this interactive prototype in a short group report, and via a verbal presentation. Additionally, there is a short individual report, where each group member describes and reflects on the group effort and one's own contribution to that effort.
Interactive prototype
Prototype - Group - audience: client and external parties
The interactive specification prototype provides a specification of the design solution by presenting and demonstrating its all aspects of its content, functionality and appearance. It provides the basis for the group report and the presentation.
See description here of what a how an interactive prototyp can be used as a design specification:
Group report
Written report (pdf) - Group - audience: client/partner company and external parties
The group report is a short report that introduces the project and describes the main features of the design solution, making use of the interactive specification prototype to illustrate its functionality as well as its look and feel. Use this template:
The group report, together with links to presentation video (se project presentation instructions) and interactive prototype, might later be selected for publication on the Interaction designer program web page, as an example of the capabilities of you, our students.Individual reflection
Written report (pdf) - Individual - audience: internal/teaching staff
The individual report is about the group and your contribution to the group effort. Use this template:
Project presentation
Oral and video - Group - audience: client (presentation part), teaching staff (oral examination part)
The project presentation consists of a verbal presentation - where you present your project and its design outcome; a Q&A session - where the client/partner company is invited to make comments and ask questions; and an oral examination portion. The presentation part and the Q&A session are open for all. The oral examination is open only for the presenting group and the teaching staff. Se instructions for content of the presentation and examples of question for the oral examination below:
Note that an important part of the verbal presentation is demonstrating the functionality and look and feel via a pre-recorded video - se details in the instructions for the presentation seminar.
Presentation schedule:
The presentation seminars will be divided into two parallel sessions, with distance groups in one session (Juan's groups) and campus students in the other (Martin's groups) according to the following schedule:
Distance groups (Juan | Juan's Zoom room for project development):
- Group 3: 09:00-09:20 (09:20-09:40)
- Group 2: 09:45-10:05 (10:05-10:25)
- Group 4: 10:30-10:50 (10:50-11:10)
- Group 5: 11:15-11:35 (11:35-11:55)
- Group 8: 12:00-12:20 (12:20-12:40)
Campus groups (Martin | Sal Ma414K Martin's Zoom room for project development):
- Group 1 (Swill): 09:00-09:20 (09:20-09:40)
- Group 7 (Skills): 10:30-10:50 (10:50-11:10)
- Group 6 (Wimmerby Tenn): 11:15-11:35 (11:35-11:55)
Time in parenthesis is reserved for the oral examination, which is not open for general audience.