Individual reflection template
Expected length: 600-800 words
Tone: Reflective/Critical
Language: Swedish or English
You and the group
- What was your experience of the groups’ collaborative process?
- Describe from your own personal perspective how you as a group approached your mission and how you addressed the challenges you encountered at different stages of the design process.
- On reflection, what might you have done differently, as a group, to produce a better outcome?
- What might you have done to work better together?
- What might you have done to communicate with and engage more effectively with the client?
- What might you have done to produce an improved final result?
You in the group
- What roles and responsibilities did you take on in the project?
- Which of your own skills and efforts do you feel made a particularly strong contribution to the group's productivity and the project’s design outcome?
- Describe an experience that stands out in your memory of the project work.
- Choose something that made a special impression on you. It might be something from an interaction with the client, some theoretical or practical insight, or an unexpected result.
- The applied interaction design course marks your transition from student learner to professional interaction designer. What has the project experience taught you about:
- What kind of interaction designer you are.
- What kind of interaction designer you want to be.
- ...and how you can continue developing as an interaction designer to become that interaction designer you want to be.
Senast ändrad: onsdag, 22 maj 2024, 12:59