Examples of questions for the oral examination
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Below is a list of example topics that illustrates the type of issues that might be covered in the oral examination. You do not need to prepare specifically for this exercise - having performed the design work is the preparation. You will have covered all these issues in your design work (with the possible exception of the last one).
- Choice of method and methodology: Describe how and why you selected the specific methodology, methods and techniques that you used in the project. And how did you adapt them to suit the specific circumstances.
- User centric: What did you do to make sure your design process and design focus remained centered on the user?
- User experience: Describe how you went about finding out what type of user experience would be appropriate for your target group, and how you went about creating a design that created the right conditions to produce that experience.
- Prototype use: In what way did you make use of prototypes for various purposes during the different stages of the design process?
- Service design: How can the perspectives and practices of service design help guide and inform the design process?
- Evaluation: How did you go about evaluating the value/promise of various design aspects and features during the different stages of the design process?
- Defining features: What would you say are the defining features - most stand-out features - of your final design proposal. What makes it shine?
- Client relationship: How did the collaboration with the client go? What worked well, what caused problems - and how did you solve those problems? Did the client get what they expected - did they get something more than they expected?
- Do-over: What would you do differently if you worked on a similar project in the future?
Senast ändrad: fredag, 8 mars 2024, 13:33