Go to www.student.ladok.se to register for the examination. You find the registration period on the exam schedule or in your Ladok. Contact your administrator or technology@lnu.se in good time, if you have problems to register for the exam.

If you missed the last day, you can go directly to the room. You will be given the opportunity to participate on the 2nd inlet, if there are available seats. Note! You cannot book a place after the last date of registration. There is no waiting list and late places are only given provided there are places left. the 2nd inlet is 45 minutes after the start-time.

Examinations are done anonymously i.e. you write your anonymization code insted of your name. you can see your anonymization code in Ladok and on the participation list at the exam.

Note! You need an active student account to register for the exam. Contact your administrator or technology@lnu.se, to do a re-registration if your account expired.

If you have moved since you took part of the course, and have more than 2 hours travel to LNU, you can apply to do the examination at a different location. https://survey.lnu.se/annan_ort/en Please read the instructions before filling in the form!

Last modified: Friday, 21 February 2020, 2:36 PM