We are pleased that you have accepted our offer of a placement in the M.Sc. programme in Environmental Science and Sustainability, offered by Linnaeus University, and run by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the Department of Biology and Environmental Science. In the lines below below we provide some practical information to help you in your planning and preparation for your move to Kalmar, and for getting you started with your studies.

General Information

Term dates:

Start of Academic Year: Monday, 28 August 2023

Programme introductory meeting: 12:15 August 28 2023.

First course (Research Methodology, 15 credits) starts: Monday, 28 August 2023


Teaching activities:

The programmes are full-time studies based at the Kalmar campus. The majority

of teaching activities are conducted in Hus Vita (Norra kajplanen 6), and on the online platform MyMoodle. A detailed timetable for the first 10 weeks of study shall be available through the teachingportal (MOODLE) from the course coordinator of the first course, Research

Methodology, 15 credits closer to the start of term.

Again, study is full time, and unless otherwise stated to take place between

08:30 and 17:00.

General information for new students:


and here


Information film about the career counselling for students: 


For information about tuition fees:


Other general questions:


Moving to Sweden and Kalmar


Before you move to Sweden it is important that you have made all necessary

arrangements related to residence permit, insurance and accommodation. You

will find some practical information below.


General information on studying in Sweden can be found at:



Residence permits for study:




As the University itself does not manage student accommodation facilities, students

are directed to the following contact for assistance with locating housing:


- Linnaeus University student union: (freecoord@siv.vxu.se) and

(bostad@siv.vxu.se) have of support staff to help point you in the right direction.

Student union Kalmar campus contact person via:



Student union international student officer via:



-Kalmarhem (a city council rental agency responsible for the majority of student

rooms) can be reached at: www.Kalmarhem.se (click on the English language flag)

[As a guide, the current price for rental of a single furnished student room

accommodation with shared kitchen and laundry facilities in a student housing

complex is around 4000 SEK/month. Note: in most cases, student room rentals

include furnishing, electricity, heating, water and TV licence, though do not include

bed linen, towels or cleaning.]


The M.Sc. programme in Environmental Science and Sustainability


For questions related to the academic activities please feel free to email:

Associate Prof. Henrik Drake, programme coordinator (henrik.drake@lnu.se).

Students are expected to attend the program introductory meeting:

Please feel free to contact the programme's coordinator Henrik Drake (henrik.drake@lnu.se) if you have questions. 


Address: Room to be determined, Hus Vita, Norra kajplanen 6, Ground floor entrance hall, meet up at 12:15 – see map

Here a general introduction to the program shall be held, and you shall meet some of the staff that you shall have contact with during your studies. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Kalmar and Linnaeus University for what we trust shall be an exciting and rewarding educational experience.

Update: Course registration for spring semester, information here:


Location map:

Last modified: Sunday, 9 July 2023, 7:23 AM