Welcome to FTK's new Moodle-room!

Welcome to FTK's new Moodle-room!

by Signe Meijer -
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Hello students at the Faculty of Technology!

We hope that you’ve had a great summer and that you are ready for your studies!

We would like to welcome you to FTK's new Moodle-room for students. Here we will publish news and information, so make a habit to check it regularly. Feel free to look at the information in the various sections, where you can find answers to the most common questions about your studies.

We know that there is a lot to process during the first few weeks for those of you who are new students at LNU.
In the section "Your first 100 days" you find information about upcoming events throughout the autumn semester, which aim to give you tools to succeed with your studies.

*Attached you can find the PowerPoint from the introduction meeting.

Best regards, 
The Faculty of Technology