2. Parts

1FE170 Introduction to International Sales and Marketing, 30.0

Parts: H15-

1501  Project work marketing plan, 1,5 hp, grades AF

1502  Marketing, Written exam, 6.0 hp, grades AF

1503  Partner company assignment sales, 3.0 hp, grades AF

1504  Sales - written examination, 4.5 hp, grades AF

1505  Partner company assignment purchasing, 1.5 hp, grades AF

1506  Purchasing written exam, 6.0 hp, grades AF

1507  Product calculation in Excel, 1.5 hp, grades AF

1508  Management control and cost accounting, Written exam, 6.0 hp, grades AF

Parts: H10-

1001 Introduction partner company assignment, 1,5 hp, grades UG

1002 Project work marketing plan, 2,0 hp, grades UV

1003 Written exam, 4,0 hp, grades UV

1004 Partner company assignment sales, 3,0 hp, grades UV

1005 Sales - written examination, 4,5 hp, grades UV

1006 Partner company assignment purchasing, 1,5 hp, grades UV

1007 Purchasing written exam, 3,0 hp, grades UV

1008 Purchasing behavior written exam, 3,0 hp, grades UV

1009 Product calculation in Excel, 1,5 hp, grades UG

1010 Written exam, 6,0 hp, grades UV