Topic outline

  • General information

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    Welcome as a student representative at the Faculty of Technology!

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    Are you considering getting involved as a student representative in any of our bodies, or have you already been appointed a representative? Please feel free to explore this page, which provides more information about the organisation of the Faculty of Technology and the bodies within the faculty that you, as a student, can participate in.

    To become a student representative, you must fill out an application specifying which body you wish to participate in. On the Linnékårens website, you will find an application form and other helpful information to assist you in your preparations.

    Student influence is an important part of our quality work

    We appreciate that you want to engage in the activities of the faculty and seize the opportunity to represent students' interests by impacting education and other study-related matters. As a student representative, you have the same right to vote and express your opinions as other participants in meetings. If you have any questions about an issue, you can ask questions during the meeting or contact the convener outside of meeting times.

    Student Positions at FTK

    • Faculty Board (FS)
    • Dean's Decision Meeting
    • Head of Department's Decision Meeting
    • Undergraduate Education Board (GUN)
    • Course Planning Committee (KUR)
    • Committee for the Didactics of Programs (UPD)
    • Graduate Education Unit (EFU)
    • Program Council
    • Employment Committee (AN)

    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Catrine Bramhag Svensson, Education Coordinator at the Faculty of Technology and the contact person between the student union, the faculty, and student representatives.

    Also, check out Linnékåren's video about the opportunities to get involved in your studies and thereby contribute to improving education for yourself and your fellow classmates: FILM

    Below you will find more information about the organization and instructions for your specific committee/council, what is expected of you, which documents you need to be familiar with, and contact details. Please take the time to explore the details to gain a deeper understanding of the organization and the specific tasks for your committee or council. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact the responsible person for more guidance.

    Good luck with your involvement as a student representative at the Faculty of Technology!

  • Remuneration

    You are entitled to remuneration as a token of appreciation for your commitment as a student representative. To receive the compensation, you need to complete a remuneration form. Payments are made monthly. The first time you receive remuneration from the university, you must register your bank details with our payroll registry. Information about this is available on page two of the remuneration form.

    For doctoral student representatives, compensation is provided as an extension or remuneration according to guidelines established by the rector.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Download the remuneration form
    2. Fill in a form for each month you have attended meetings. Specify the month the form pertains to under "Period of the assignment".
    3. In the "Worked time" section, input the time on the correct date.
    4. Ignore “Total number of hours”
    5. Save the filled-out file and send it to the financial administrator Pia Nilsson with a copy to the convener of your organization.

  • The organization of the faculty

    The Faculty of Technology is one of the five faculties at Linnaeus University and is responsible for education in technical subjects. Within the faculty, nine departments offer programs in mathematics, electrical engineering, computer engineering, civil engineering, energy engineering, computer science, maritime science, physics, media technology, mechanical engineering, and forestry and wood technology.

    A dean leads the faculty, and the departments are headed by prefects (Heads of Department). Attached to the faculty is a Faculty Office led by an Administrative Director. The faculty has a faculty board that is overall responsible for the faculty's activities. These four entities are decision-making bodies in the organisation, while other organs have an advisory function. Decisions are made at three levels according to the delegation order:

    Decisions are made at three levels according to the delegation order:
    • Faculty Board
    • Dean
    • Head of Department / Administrative Director

    Preparatory Bodies

    To support the decision-makers of the faculty, there is an internal organisation with preparatory bodies that prepare matters and decisions. In undergraduate education, there is an undergraduate education organisation led by the Undergraduate Education Board (GUN), and within graduate education, there is an organisation led by the Graduate Education Unit (EFU)

    Undergraduate Education Board (GUN)

    The Undergraduate Education Board prepares a variety of matters related to education at the undergraduate and advanced levels. GUN is heavily involved in the development of programs and educational quality. Attached to GUN are:

    • A course plan committee (KUR) that reviews course plans and
    • A committee for the didactics of programs (UPD) that reviews educational plans.

    Program Councils

    Within the undergraduate education organisation, program councils constitute an essential body. For each program, there should be a program council where student representatives, teachers, and industry representatives gather to discuss the quality of the program and the strategic planning of education.

    Graduate Education Unit (EFU)

    In graduate education, there is the Graduate Education Unit (EFU), which prepares decisions regarding matters related to doctoral-level education, from admission/announcement to licentiate seminars/doctoral defences.

  • Faculty Board (FS)

    The Faculty Board is the highest preparatory body for the faculty. The board is responsible for education, research, and collaboration with society and industry. The Faculty Board is also responsible for strategies and goals within the framework of the university's vision. As a student representative on the Faculty Board, you can influence the faculty's scientific, content-related, and quality-related matters, as well as the allocation of resources.

    Purpose of the Body: The Faculty Board decides on the faculty's budget and operational plan, strategies and goals for operations, overarching policy documents, educational plans, degree rights, etc.

    Participants: The Faculty Board consists of twelve members. The dean serves as the chair, and the pro-dean is the vice-chair. Other members include six teacher representatives (with one substitute) elected within the faculty, two external members appointed by the rector, and three student representatives appointed by the Linnaeus Student Union for one year at a time.

    Meeting Frequency: The board meets four times in the spring and three times in the fall. Meetings take place alternately in Kalmar or Växjö. The October meeting is usually a two-day offsite retreat at another location.s. 

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Educational plans, new and revised
    • Educational offerings (once per year)
    • Approval of general study plan, doctoral education
    • Employment profiles for the announcement of professors
    • Budget decisions for the faculty, education, and research
    • Honorary doctors (once per year)
    • Quality matters in education and research
    • Strategies and goals

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarise yourself with:
    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    The meetings are generally full-day events.

    Secretary:  Anette Lindahl Alrutz

  • Dean's decision meeting

    The dean has overall responsibility and makes decisions on matters related to, among other things, personnel and general administration, education and research issues, as well as agreements and applications.

    Purpose of the Body: To make decisions on all matters within the faculty's responsibility, except those where:

    • Decision-making is regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance
    • The Faculty Board makes decisions
    • Decisions are made by the rector or a person or body delegated by the rector

    Participants: Dean, pro-dean, faculty secretary, faculty administrator, education coordinator, and student representative.

    Meeting Frequency: Meetings every other week, Mondays at 2:00-2:30 pm via Zoom

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Approval of new course plans.
    • Appointment of program coordinators.
    • Admission of doctoral students.
    • Decision on doctoral defences.
    • Change of supervisor.
    • Examiner for doctoral candidates.

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarize yourself with:

    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Considerations: Most matters are prepared in a preparatory body before the decision meeting. Therefore, the meetings are usually short.

    Secretary: Lovisa Dahl

  • Head of department's decision meeting

    The head of department leads the work at their institution and is the supervisor for the staff belonging to the institution. The head of department decides on organisation, personnel, finances, and education within the scope of the institution's operations.

    Purpose of the Body: The head of department decides on matters related to the institution's activities, including undergraduate education, research, and collaboration.

    Participants: Head of department, faculty secretary, education coordinator, student representative.

    Meeting Frequency: As needed, Monday afternoons.

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Revision of existing course plans.
    • Appointment of examiners for courses at the undergraduate and advanced levels.

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarize yourself with:
    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Secretary: Ellen Hedenborg

  • Undergraduate Education Board (GUN)

    GUN (Undergraduate Education Board) operates under the dean and board of the faculty and is responsible for preparing educational matters at the faculty. GUN is itself responsible for preparing matters for the board and certain matters decided by the dean. Still, it can also prepare certain matters decided by the head of department. As a student representative in GUN, you can influence the faculty's programs and activities to enhance educational quality.

    Purpose of the Body: The main body of the faculty for preparing matters related to education at the undergraduate and advanced levels.

    Participants: The faculty's vice-dean for undergraduate education, five teachers with responsibilities as area coordinators, student representative, faculty administrator.

    Meeting Frequency: 3-4 times per semester.

    Common Agenda Items:

    • programme syllabi
    • procedures and handling instructions
    • quality work and quality evaluations

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarize yourself with:

    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Convener: Madeleine Andrén

  • Preparatory Committee for Course Plans (KUR)

    KUR is subordinate to the faculty's undergraduate education board (GUN).

    Purpose of the Body: To prepare and review course plans before approval to ensure compliance with national and local regulations and faculty practices.

    Participants: Four teacher representatives, education coordinator, study advisor, faculty secretary, student representative.

    Meeting Frequency: 3-4 times per semester.

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Reviewing course plans before approval

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarize yourself with:
    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Ellen Hedenborg

  • Committee for the Didactics of the Programs (UPD)

    The Faculty of Technology has a specific preparatory function for educational plans. The Quality Committee for the Didactics of Educational Programs (UPD) is subordinate to the faculty's undergraduate education board.

    Purpose of the Body: Ensure that all educational plans adhere to formally correct standards. It is also important to ensure the progression in the programs, as well as the development of general skills and certain profession-specific expertise among students, which requires monitoring the practical implementation of education.

    Participants: Four teacher representatives, a student representative, and a faculty administrator

    Meeting Frequency: 3-4 times per semester

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Reviewing educational plans before approval.

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarise yourself with:

    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Madeleine Andrén

  • The Graduate Education Unit (EFU)

    As a doctoral student representative, you can influence the revision of general study plans, the admission of doctoral students, and the preparation of doctoral defences.

    Purpose of the Body: The Graduate Education Unit serves as FTK's preparatory body for education-related matters at the doctoral level.

    Participants: Members of the steering group consist of the pro-dean, three appointed subject coordinators for doctoral education subjects as regular members, one substitute, and a doctoral student representative. The pro-dean serves as the chair. Other subject coordinators for both doctoral education subjects and subjects without doctoral education rights may, if necessary, be called with the right to attend and express opinions.

    Meeting Frequency: Currently, matters are handled via email.

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Individual study plans for doctoral students
    • Preparation of decisions for the admission of doctoral students
    • Preparation of notifications for doctoral defences

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarize yourself with:
    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Convener: Gisela Isgren

  • Program Council

    As a student representative in the program council, you can influence the development and design of individual programs.

    Purpose of the Body: Advisory body for the program coordinator. The program council serves as a preparatory body for the Undergraduate Education Board (GUN) on matters related to the quality and strategic planning of the educational offerings.

    Participants: Program coordinator, teacher representatives, student representatives, external representatives.

    Meeting Frequency: At least once per year.

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Analysis of course evaluations from program courses
    • Program evaluation
    • Dialogue with industry

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarise yourself with:
    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Programme coordinator

  • Appointment Advisory Board (AN)

    A well-thought-out needs analysis linked to the university's strategic goals for its operations is necessary in recruiting teachers. With the aim of strengthening the research connection of undergraduate education, increased scientific proficiency among teachers should be sought in connection with recruitment.

    Purpose of the Body: The Appointment Advisory Board is the faculty's preparatory body for matters related to permanent appointments and promotions (including docent appointments) of teaching staff, including so-called qualification appointments. The AN is subordinate to the dean.

    Participants: Besides the chairperson, the EC consists of four permanent teacher representatives and one student representative. Furthermore, the head of department and subject representatives from the relevant institution are adjunct to each individual case. The main presenter is the HR partner.

    Meeting Frequency: Normally, once every two weeks.

    Common Agenda Items:

    • Prepare permanent teaching staff appointments and qualification appointments, including employment profiles, experts, and ranking of candidates.
    • Prepare applications for promotion, including experts.
    • Prepare applications for appointment as a docent, including experts

    Regulations and faculty pages to familiarise yourself with:
    Unfortunately, most of the university's regulatory documents are available only in Swedish.

    Emmy Andersson

  • Link Collection