Welcome to the course The Law of Sustainable Development!
In this course we will explore numerous aspects related to law and policy of sustainable development specifically how the three dimensions environment, human rights and economy are integrated into an overlapping sturcture of international norms and principles.
We will use two main textbooks:
Cordonier Segger, MarieClaire & Ashfaq Khalfan, Sustainable Development Law:
Principles, Practises and Prospects, Oxford University Press, 2004, 419 sidor.
Mulligan, Martin (2017). An introduction to sustainability: environmental, social and
personal perspectives . London: Routledge, (338 sidor). ISBN: 9781138698307
Other reading material will be provided via the MyMoodle-room either directly as pdf:s or as links via the Unversity Library.
The first half of this course is co-taught with the course 4BT308.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch!
- Kursansvarig: Elvis Bisong Tambe