Get the knowledge to understand electricity production and distribution!
Today and the next ten years the biggest change we have seen since electrical energy began to be distributed and used widely in the late 19th century. We no longer reflect on getting electrical energy out of the socket at home. Even less do we think about how it gets there. In this course, we take you from the world of the sun, wind, water and atoms to the electrical outlet. Electricity distribution has historically been unidirectional from a few hundred locations to millions of users. Today, with renewable electricity production, we reverse that way and get hundreds of thousands of sources that will send their energy to all users. This transition does not happen by itself, but is and will be dependent on people like you! With the Power System course, you gain an insight into the infrastructure of today and the future and can actively participate in building it for you and your children.
The course deals with the construction of the system for distribution of electric power and the use of electric power for energy supply.
- Kursansvarig: Peter Budai