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Dear Students,

Welcome to the course " Life Cycle Analysis"– 4BT 312 (7.5 hp)

The science of life cycle analysis (LCA) is in continuous development. Ample research has been done to improve environmental indicators and understand systems' complexity while performing LCA, attributional and consequential LCA. Understanding LCA results is important to make them more useful for decision-making and communication. Development of any product, service, or infrastructure causes environmental impact over their value chain viz; from resource extraction during its use/consumption to waste management.  This course is aimed at (i) increasing the understanding of the environmental impacts of a product/service throughout the value chain, (ii) the importance of life cycle thinking in business as well as in the public sector and authorities, and (iii) deepening the knowledge of life cycle analysis. The course comprises lectures, seminars, project work, and a written exam.

Consequential and Attributional Aspects in LCAs; LCA standards;  LCA on Forestry & Biofuel; Buildings; Energy System, evaluation of a product supply chain: life cycle assessment perspective on food, fuel, and fuel systems Integrating LCA with LCC for decision-support are some of the highlights within the course.

Dr. Brijesh Mainali (Associate Professor) will be this course's coordinator. Besides, Dr. Georgios Pardalis (Postdoc researcher) and Ph.D. researchers Ms. Roma Almeida and Ms. Migena Sula will be guiding students with the project work. This course will have a couple of invited lectures from national and international experts in LCA, both from Academia and from Industry. We believe you will gain academic and some hands-on knowledge from industry partners on Life Cycle Analysis through this course.

The course will run in hybrid mode, which means lectures will be given on campus and via Zoom. No recording will be available. The lecture notes and presentation will be uploaded to My-Moodle after each class. Any updates and changes will be notified via MY-Moodle. The link for the course schedule (Time Edit database) is provided below. The course plan has been uploaded in My Moodle.

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