Module 1
#Sustainability and Exploratory Methods
4DI171, Design Process and the Complexity of Sustainability
Welcome to LNU - Design+Change Programme - 1st year MFA (Masters of Fine Arts)! This is the 1st course of your study and we aim to make this course a practical one, delivered in the form of laboratory sessions and exploratory artistic workshops. Sessions will incorporate a wide range of materials, focusing on their sustainability with a broader exploration of sustainability from an ecological and economic perspective.We choose the word “immerse (v.)"[1] as the ‘theme’ for the course. First, you are asked to explore how to articulate your design/art education and practice experience (BEING). From there, immerse yourself into an object and through its perspective “feel’ your new environment (BELONGING). Then, transform yourself into a new “species” to share your expectation for new ecosystem(s)(BECOMING). Throughout the journey you will be supported by lectures, workshop introductions, tutorials and group discussions, supporting you to immerse yourself in this 3D and body-storming experiment. You are encouraged to explore new ways to reflect upon your experiment especially compared to your previous experience in design-related study.
[1] https://www.etymonline.com/word/immerse#:~:text=immerse%20(v.),%2C%20etc.%2C%20from%201660s. " to plunge into (a fluid)," early 15c. (implied in immersed), from Latin immersus, past participle of immergere "to plunge in, dip into, sink, submerge". Figuratively, of study, work, passion, etc., from 1660s. Related: Immersed; immersing; immersive.
- Kursansvarig: Kristina Bengtsson
- Kursansvarig: Lena Håkanson
- Kursansvarig: Zeenath Hasan
- Kursansvarig: Yan Ki Cecilia Lee