Alternativ för att koppla användare

Teaching of the course Math Phys.  will be based on My Moodle service. Here I shall put videos of lectures and seminars (with detailed presentation solutions of the problems). The first video will be uploaded on Tuesday. Your main work during the course will be based on HOME TASKS composed of problems related to the problems which will considered in videos. One Home Task per week. Later I shall put to My Moodle detailed instructions on HTs. You will also get 3 problems on numeric simulation for tasks from the course, they can be done with say Matematica or Math Lab. 

The important point is that you have to write an essay on some topic from Math Physics. I shall put topics and instructions about work on essays to My Moodle.

Thus, there are no plans to meet physically. To consult you, once per week we shall have zoom-consulting.

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