UNIVERSITET SOM ALLA STUDENTER KAN SÖKA ( i platslistan "University Wide"/ tillhör inte en fakultet och deras studenter, ligger utanför Erasmus samarbete/Europa och har inte stipendium)

Ellen, som läste på Bath Spa University hösten 2024 under termin 3 på statsvetarprogrammet

Did your courses correspond to your expectations?
I would say that they did. The university experience is very different in the UK than what someone might be used to in Sweden. The size of the classes are much smaller and the lectures are usually more interactive between the students and teachers. In many ways it reminded me of what classes looked like at "gymnasiet" except that you usually had a bit of reading to do before. All of my courses were split up so that you had one lecture and one seminar a week, although a seminar do not exactly mean the same thing in England and are much more relaxed. Otherwise the overall content was similar to what I expected. 

What was your perception of the academic level?
The academic level I would say was about the same, if a bit lower in some instances. Their grading system makes it so that it is much easier to get a higher grade, for example the percentage for an A is about 70% and over. There is no need be nervous about the assignments and such because they go through everything in detail and it is not something that you have not done before. 

 How was life as an exchange student in general?
I loved my experience as an exchange student in Bath. The group of exchange students were incredible, the city was amazing and I was able to travel around the country a lot which was something I really wanted to do. Bath SPA University has a lot of societies which host several social events a week, sometimes a day, so it is easy to meet new people and feel a part of the community. There is a lot to do in Bath from museums, different historical monuments, cafés and pubs.  Would you recommend your host university and your placement to other students?

I would definitely recommend it. It is a bit of a smaller city but very cozy and with a lot to do still. The university I would overall also recommend, the grounds where it is located are very beautiful and like I mentioned before the university does a great job at making the exchange students feel welcome and at home.  

Is there any other relevant information about our exchange you would like to inform us of?
There are a few things that I think would be good to know before one comes there. The first is that the accommodation is quite expensive and the a student most likely will end up sharing their living space with other students. For me this worked great but it is still something that is useful to know. Another difference is that Bath SPA university takes attendance at each lecture and seminar so depending on which visa you are there on it might be mandatory for you to attend every one of those. These are the two things that I can think of at this moment. 

Robin som läser statsvetenskap om Akita International University i Japan, hösten 2023:  https://web.aiu.ac.jp/en/aiutopics/student-voice-my-first-impression-my-journey-so-far-in-akita-robin-toth-linnaeus-university-sweden

Pontus som läser statsvetenskap om Yonsei University i Sydkorea hösten 2023

Did your courses correspond to your expectations?
The courses held at Yonsei were very interesting, full of international people and refreshing perspectives on the field I studied (gender war & peace, Chinese politics and international relations). Some courses had assignments that were easy, whereas assignments in the other courses were very demanding. So attending courses there is a bit like a rollercoaster. Their way of teaching is very different from ours in Sweden. This doesn't mean that they're better or worse, but rather that it's a different academic setting from what we in Sweden are used to. I enjoyed that they put emphasis on participation, critical thinking and class discussions, and teachers are very welcoming, competent and thorough when they teach. All of my courses had a high academic level, and I am very thankful for having the opportunity to study at Yonsei University.

What was your perception of the academic level? 
The courses that I attended had a very high academic level. There will be focus on a lot of reading, discussions and/or presentations, or essay writing. Understanding Chinese Politics, for instance, is a very demanding course with a lot to read and write. That course in particular requires critical thinking and discipline due to all the reading. In contrast, the international relations course was mostly based on discussions and a bit easier and more laid back, which at times had a lower academic level than the other courses. The gender, war & peace course focused on lectures, documentaries and group discussions. The professor went through gender, war and peace issues thoroughly and explained and analyzed them in lectures. This gave the course a high academic level. For the most part all courses had a high academic level. It is worth noting that the academic level changes between courses and some courses will be very demanding.

How was life as an exchange student in general?
Korea is a very interesting country full of intriguing temples, restaurants, random outdoor exercising parks, karaoke hang-out spots and 24/7 spa-like hot pool houses. Not only is it cheap to do all these things, it is also super interesting to explore Seoul, Incheon and Busan to name a few places. Some administration is a bit tricky at times, but calling the agencies concerned really helps! They will help you as much as they can. Only English is a bit hard to get around with, so learning a few Korean phrases before your trip will be very helpful. Fruit in supermarkets is usually expensive, and so is buying food there in general so be aware of that! Life is amazing in Korea and the people is very respectful and friendly, usually they will help you out. Last but not least, be aware of all the cults there. Cults will try to recruit international people and you may be approached by very 'friendly' Koreans, just walk away from them or say that you simply dont have time if you meet someone who speaks about religion or sacrificing something a little bit too keenly. 

Would you recommend your host university and your placement to other students?
Yes I would definitely do that! It is a very valuable experience, even if it is scary and challenging!

Is there any other relevant information about our exchange you would like to inform our students about?
Courses may claim to be in English during course application, but they could still be taught in Korean. Bear in mind that they can change this, so apply to at least 5 or 6 courses, and then you can drop the ones you dont want during the drop & add period. Dont forget to have fun and go and travel with other people! You will not regret it, I promise! There are two very old temples in Busan and close to Incheon! Also the public transportation cards can only be filled with cash.

Sem Lucas  om att plugga på University of Auckland efter sin ämneslärarexamen i idrott och hälsa, hösten 2024:

Did your courses correspond to your expectations?
Each course comes with a detailed description outlining its content and learning outcomes. By reading these descriptions, I found that the courses met my expectations. 

What was your perception of the academic level?
I perceived the academic level to be quite low. However, this might be specific to my situation. I had just completed five years of studies at Lnu, including one semester at an advanced level. My studies at the University of Auckland consisted of three second-year courses and one third-year course. Therefore, my perception of the academic level may have been lower than it actually was.

How was life as an exchange student in general? 
Life as an exchange student at the University of Auckland was great. It was very different from studying in Växjö. Student life is structured quite differently compared to Sweden.

Would you recommend your host university and your placement to other students?
Since I haven't studied at any other universities abroad, I can't make a fully accurate comparison. The University of Auckland was quite good, but I’m sure many other universities are just as good, if not better.

The process before going on an exchange
The whole process does require some effort, but it is actually quite straightforward. In a nutshell, you simply need to follow the instructions you receive via email from Auckland University. If you have any questions, you can always contact the staff at Auckland University. Since most of the information is provided by the university, I will focus on my personal experience in the following. The university will provide you with all the necessary details.

Accommodation in Auckland
Auckland University offers university accommodation, which is guaranteed for all exchange students and a highly convenient option. However, there is a catch. Although the university claims that its accommodation is the most affordable option, this is not entirely true. The university accommodation is convenient, reliable, and hassle-free, which are important factors when moving to a new country you may have never been to before. However, there are cheaper and potentially better alternatives. These options may be located farther from the university, and you might not be living with other university students, but they are worth considering. I lived in Te Tirohanga o Te Toangaroa (TT), which is the cheapest university accommodation available. I personally did not enjoy my stay there. If you are considering TT, I highly recommend checking the Google reviews before making a decision. If you prefer to stay in university accommodation, I would instead recommend Carlaw Park Student Village. Although I never lived there myself, students who did had far fewer complaints compared to those at TT.


Student life in Auckland
Auckland has plenty of pubs and clubs, but only one dedicated student pub, called Shadows. The party scene in Växjö is not something you will find in Auckland. Instead, a much better way to socialize is by joining a club. At the start of the semester, there is a large club expo where you can walk around and explore the many different student clubs, there are more than 100 to choose from. You can join multiple clubs based on your interests, making it a great way to meet new people and get involved in student life.

My personal experience at Auckland University
I studied three courses within the Faculty of Sport, Health, and Physical Education, as well as one course in wine science. In addition, I joined three different social clubs. One of them was the Study Abroad Student Society (SASS), a club for exchange students where I easily made friends from all over the world. Since I have an interest in outdoor activities, I also joined two outdoor clubs, the surf club and the kayaking club. Both were a lot of fun and great opportunities to meet new people. With so many clubs available, everyone can find something they enjoy. I chose to travel during the mid-semester break and after the exam period. During the break, I went to Fiji, which is only a three-hour flight away. After my exams, I decided to explore more of New Zealand by going on a road trip around the country. If you want to explore New Zealand, renting a car is the best option, as traveling by bus or train is both expensive and slow.

UNIVERSITET SOM BARA STUDENTER PÅ FAKULTETEN PÅ SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP KAN SÖKA, Eramus stipendium ingår oftast, hör med oss gällande U.K och Schweiz.

Klara, om National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarien, hösten 2023

Did your courses correspond to your expectations?
Yes. I expected exams however there were none, as an erasmus we were examined through presentations and participation. 
What worked well? 

The majority yes. In a couple of subjects my expectations were not met due to the professors lack of engagement however this I think is something reoccurring at all unis.  The courses were daily, all students received a schedule after meetings with the professors and regular theoretical and practical classes.
What could be improved?
Information about the level of courses, ie which year they were equivalent to.

What was your perception of the academic level?
Academic content: When applying to the programme there was no info about level, so as I am in my last year, 3rd year, a couple of the taken courses were aimed at 3rd year students. At Vassil Levski all programmes are 4 years which means that I had already studied that level of subject. Apart from that, the academic level was good. Highly experienced sports coaches from national and olympic level for practical classes and experienced professors, many with a doctorate. 
Teaching: Mixed depending on professor, generally good. Teaching style varied, lectures, discussions, power point presentation from students etc. The lecturers English language was good and understandable. Litterature was given to us by the teachers however scarcely, mainly based on power points and own research through internet.

What was your perception of living as an exchange student in the country?
Living standard: Lived in the campus dormitories which, taking the cheap price in mind, 400 SEK /month, the standard was fine. I had my own room but, there was the possibility of sharing with 3 others. No kitchen was included however i was lucky with what previous students had left behind - fridge, microwave and electric single cooker top. Renovations were apparently to be made this year for NSAs dormitories. All erasmus students at Vasil Levski had this possibility however students from other unis in Sofia had to find their own living, many shared and rented apartments however, it was usual that the landlord asked for more rent than necessary. 

Would you recommend your host university and your placement to other students?
Yes definitely! They were welcoming and we had a 2 week introduction week before the main Erasmus network events began including all the other unis. All theoretical classes were only with erasmus students due to them being held in English however, practical classes were mixed with Bulgarian students which gave you the chance to mix and socialize. Throughout  the year the ESN organized events which were great. Everything from day trips and journeys round Bulgaria to nights out. Bulgaria is probably one of the most student friendly countries to visit due to everything being very cheap!

Is there any other relevant information of your exchange you would like to inform us of?
The exchange is as much an educational period as experience of a new culture and society. The time allows for trips abroad and creating new networks for the future, both for friendship and work. If one is not confident in the English language but wants to go abroad anyway - do it. There were about 200 international students and many who didn't speak English fluently but managed anyway!

David, om att läsa efter sin examen på idrottsvetarprogrammet på BIrmingham City University, UK, hösten 2024

Hur var dina kurser?
Mina kurser förväntade sig ungefär vad jag hade tänkt mig. Kurserna (psykologi) var väldigt nyttiga & gav mig det innehåll som jag tror kan vara användbart i mina kommande yrken där jag möter olika typer av människor & vill bättre försöka förstå mig kring deras beteende, behov & attityd. 

Däremot, att alla kurserna där var samtidigt, till skillnad med hur det är här i Sverige när det är en kurs i taget, var en liten omställning på gott & ont. Det kändes som mer att göra & ibland lite mer rörigt samt att tiden gick snabbare när det konstant var saker att göra, till skillnad med Sverige där man lättare kan lära sig ett innehåll när man kan fokusera på en kurs & sak i taget. 

En annan sak var att dessa elever började sitt första år på universitetet, vilket inte var samma sits för mig. Det blev lite fokus på detta i kursernas början, vilket jag var beredd på. 


Hur tyckte du att det var att plugga på BCU?
Jag anser att det var rätt utmanande, men samtidigt under rätt bra kontroll. Kan skilja sig såklart från individ till individ. Jag märkte också en skillnad med språket under lektionerna till skillnad med att snacka med utbytesstudenterna, där det var mer akademiskt & därav mer krävande att man hängde med på lektionerna för att kunna förstå innehållet. 


Hur var livet som student i Birmingham?
Generellt älskade jag livet som utbytesstudent. Det huvudsakliga i form av att man hamnar utanför sin comfortzone & man växer som person när man får bo i en annan typ av miljö, man lämnar nära & kära samt att man möter nya olika typer av människor, vilket blir en egenskap där man lättare kan anpassa sig till olika typer av människor. Dessutom tog jag chansen & spelade universitetsfotboll med ett lag, vilket dels var en stor dröm och få göra det i landet där fotbollen kommer ifrån, men också en väg in till att bygga ett socialt nätverk utöver dom utbytesstudenter & klasskompisar som jag fick lära känna under denna resan. Detta tycker jag att det är en viktig sak när man väl åker iväg som en utbytesstudent, att man vågar testa på sånna saker. Dessutom under fritiden, om man kan planera sina studier väl, så hinner man upptäcka flera andra städer (länder) runtomkring UK, vilket blir pricken över I:et som utbytesstudent. 

Skulle du rekommendera andra studenter att läsa på BCU i Birmingham?
Absolut, jag skulle gärna vilja rekommendera denna stad & skola till andra studenter baserat på flera faktorer. För det första, Birmingham är en storstad & ligger rätt centralt i England. Dessutom händer det aktiviteter i denna stad & det ses som en ung stad. Gällande skolan, så tycker jag att den har något för varje student, samt att den innehåller studenter från alla olika länder & kulturer, vilket är en positiv sak. Detta gör att man växer som person när man får möta många typer av människor. Dessutom är lärarna & organisationen där väldigt bra. 

Har du några andra rekommendationer till våra studenter? 
Inget märkvärdigt, men att oavsett om man är mitt uppe i studierna eller om man precis har tagit examen, så rekommenderar jag starkt till varje student & ta denna chans & åka utomlands för att få mer erfarenhet, fortsatt studiekunskaper & till sist, ett starkt & positivt minne för resten av livet.

Alfred, om att läsa statsvetenskap på Sciences Politique i Lille hösten 2024:

Did your courses correspond to your expectations?
Answer: My courses did correspond to my expectations and more. The courses were well-structured, super interesting, and taught by competent professors. I had to change some courses in the add-and-drop period, but it did not matter since the new courses also outperformed my expectations. 

What was your perception of the academic level?
Answer: I often tend to overestimate what is needed academically. However, I believe that Sciences Po Lille might expect a bit more from the students than the average Erasmus Exchange. That does not mean that there will be no time to go for activities, trips, etc., but I would recommend that students thinking about doing an exchange at Sciences PO Lille also take their studies seriously. You have to work for your grades just as much as at your home university. 

How was life as an exchange student in general?
Answer: Life as an exchange student was great. You get to meet a lot of new friends. The University's international student organization has several activities and parties during the semesters. Furthermore, Erasmus Lille also organizes parties, activities, and trips (with exchange students from other universities as well) that you can participate in. 
Would you recommend your host university and your placement to other students?
Answer: I would deeply recommend Science PO Lille to other students. Academically, I read my most interesting courses in Lille, and the student life is great. However, I would again stress that you need to put in an effort with your studies. Otherwise, you will not be able to pass the course. 

Is there any other relevant information about our exchange you would like to inform us about?
Answer: Once again, tell students before they apply that they will have to be prepared to study a lot. However, also stress that they will have lots of fun, meet people from all over the world, and have the academic privilege of studying at one of France's most prestigious universities (with professors who are experts in their fields). 


For Housing, I would recommend using Studapart (you can access the specific one that goes for Lille through the University website) and paying the little extra that it takes to have a guarantor. Having a guarantor makes searching for an apartment much easier (since most landlords in France require it), and it will also provide you with extra assistance from the staff at Studapart. 

Se hur Tobias som läste Freds och Utvecklingsstudier 2023 hade det i Bogota, Colombia på vårt partneruniversitet  Pontifica Universidad de Javeriana

Senast ändrad: måndag, 3 mars 2025, 13:24