You have been admitted to the Marketing Programme at the School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University!

The Marketing Programme is continuously changing to meet the demands of students and industry. Our team of teachers has a broad knowledge of marketing and related subjects and representatives from the students participate in the program advisory board. The idea is that we together – students and teachers – create a stimulating, interesting and enriching education.

Programme introduction
The programme introduction and roll call will be held Monday August 26th at 9 to 12am CEST (09:00-12:00) in room Weber. While the introduction is not mandatory it is highly recommended that you are there this day. You will meet your classmates and receive important information regarding the foundations of your future studies as well as useful practical information. You will also be introduced to your first course, where the first exam is Monday September 9th already. Last day to register for the first course is the September 8th. More information about how to register for the first course is found here. Make sure to register before September 8th, otherwise you will lose your place on the program.

Onboarding – introduction to your academic journey

On Monday, 9 September, you are invited to a full day of onboarding. This is an introduction to university studies, what expectations there are, and what skills you will develop during your time as a student at the School of Business and Economics.

We will provide lunch and fika during the day.

The onboarding day will be visible in your schedule, where you can see the time and place.

Practical information
The following link will provide you with useful practical information about registration, accommodation and similar issues that you need to tend to before you commence your studies: 

Learning Platform Moodle

Throughout the program, we will be communicating through our learning platform Moodle, which you are navigating in right now. Even though you can access the site for the Marketing Programme on Moodle, you will need to obtain a student account in order to access the different courses within the program on the plattform. 

The site for the Marketing Programme on Moodle

When you read this, you are on the Marketing Programmes site on Moodle, which is accessible without a student account. On this site, you will find general information about the programme and about Linnaeus University. Please take some time to navigate around the site (click here to get to the start). 

The most important information for you as a new student, is found through the links to the right on the start page of the programme, which are marked with a red circle in the picture below:

The most important links for you as a new student are: 

  • The link "Welcome as a student at Linnaeus University" takes you to a site with the most relevant information you need as a new student, e.g. how to register yourself on the program and how you obtain your student account. It’s extremely important that you visit this site and go through the different steps.
  • The link "Course and programme syllabi" takes you to a search site where every course syllabus of the Linnaeus University is accessible. You find the course syllabus you want by searching with the help of the course code (e.g. 1FE150 for your first course of the program). The course titles and course codes for every course during the program is found at the bottom of the start page of the Marketing Program site on Moodle. The syllabi contains information about the courses and the literature that is to be used.
  • The link "TimeEdit" takes your to a search site where you can find your schedules. Search for schedule with the help of the course code (see above). The schedules are usually available one month before the course starts at the latest.
  • The link "Tuition fees" give information about how and when to pay you fee, if you are a fee paying stundet.
  • The link School of Business and Economics takes you to the faculty site of the School of Business and Economics, which is the faculty the Marketing Program is given by. Here you can find general information about the faculty and news.

Course sites on Moodle
When you have registered and created a student account, you will get access to the specific course sites on Moodle. The course sites normally opens up two weeks before the course starts. You need to be registered on the course before you have access to the room on Moodle

News, slides from lectures, instructions, exams etcetera will be found on the course sites on Moodle. Apart from this, the teachers on the course can also send out announcements regarding for instance clarification of tasks or changes of venues. The announcements will also be sent to your student email accounts which means that it is important for you to check you student email account regularly. You will have access to the first course at Moodle in August before the semester starts, providing that you have a student account.

You find Moodle by going through the main web page, click on ‘Student at’ to the left at the top of the page. This takes you to a page where you are asked to log on (in the center of the page). If you log in here you will have full access to your courses, including Moodle. The courses that you are registered on will we visible in the center of the page. 

Courses of the first semester
The first course of the semester is Fundamentals of Business Administration for Marketers. The course will give you an overview of business administration, and you meet subjects such as marketing and management accounting. The focus of the course is in marketing. The course code is 1FE150.

After the introductory course in business administration it is time to get a broader perspective with the course Basic Micro Economic Theory for Marketers. With the help of economic theory the course will give you an understanding how market functions and the freedoms and constraints that markets give companies. The course code is 1NA050.

The semester is rounded off with the course Statistics for Marketers in which you study the foundation of statistics. The course code is 1ST050.

Academic studies in Sweden
Studying in Sweden might be different from studying in your home country. Our library has put together an informative film, which describes academic studies in Sweden. The film is found here

Please watch it, it will give you an idea of what to come and what is expected from you as a student.

Summer reading
If you want some summer reading we recommend that you buy Armstrong, Kotler, Harker & Brennan: ”Marketing - An Introduction”, 4th European ed., ISBN 978-1-292-20030-9 (print), 978-1-292-20067-5 (PDF) or 978-1-292-20065-1 (e-book), which will be the basis for examination on the first part of the course. This is the main book for the marketing part in the course Fundamentals of Business Administration for Marketers and it is written by our marketing guru – Philip Kotler. It is important that you have acquired a copy of the book  before the semester begins August 29th, as the first exam of the course is Monday the week after the course starts! 

In second part of the course, the book by Gowthorpe, C., Business Accounting & Finance, ISBN 9781473773738 (print) or will be the basis for examination. There are quite a few exercises in the book, of which you could attempt to solve some during the summer.

Schedule for the introductory week






Monday August 26st

9am - 1pm (09:00-12:00)


Roll call & introduction to the Marketing program. 

Michaela Sandell, Åsa Devine & Viktor Magnusson

Monday September 2nd 

Will be announced later


Start of to the first course of the program “Fundamentals of Business Administration for Marketers”. You can search for the schedule here, using the course code 1FE150

Viktor Magnusson


Best regards,

Michaela Sandell, Åsa Devine and Viktor Magnusson, programme directors,

Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024, 2:32 PM