Course Instructor

What can you as a student expect from the management of the course?

  • They do their utmost to support you in your learning process.
  • They answer questions and try to show you the right direction of the course.
  • They behave in a good way towards all coworkers.
  • They show up on time and are available at the scheduled meetings and time slots.
  • They will listen to you when there is a problem and will try to find solutions within the realm of feasible institutional possibilities.
  • Questions made outside the scheduled times will be answered as soon as possible (but not immediately).


What does the course management expect from you?

  • You familiarize yourself with the information on the course website, and keep yourself updated.
  • You do your very best and ask for help if you get stuck.
  • You behave in a good way towards your coworkers and help the best you can.
  • You show up on time and are available at the scheduled meetings and time slots.
  • You dedicate the right amount of time to the course (based on the percentage / number of credits).
  • You work independently outside of the scheduled meetings and time slots.
  • You ask general questions about the course in the course Slack channel.

Senast Àndrad: torsdag, 2 mars 2023, 09:47