Welcome to Linnaeus University!

You have applied and been accepted to the master programme Leadership and Management in International Context at the Linnaeus University School of Business and Economics. You are about to join a truly international learning environment with fellow students from all over the world. It is going to be an exciting journey of co-created learning, reflection, personal development and, indeed, fun! And as this programme has been running for over 25 years, you will as a future graduate be part of a global network of alumni with over 650 previous students from this very programme!

We are all looking forward to meeting you and with this short note we would like to give you some of information you need in when preparing for your studies with us.


Introduction and start of the program

The programme start will take place 4th of September, 13.15-16.00 in room Ma1061K. If you for some reason are unable to attend the program start, you must notify us as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to terese.nilsson@lnu.se. There will be additional program and course sessions the 5th and 6th of September where we expect all students to participate. The full schedule can be found on our study platform Moodle.


Practical information
The following link will provide you with useful practical information about registration, accommodation and similar issues that you need to tend to before you commence your studies: 

Please search through this link:
Course and programme syllabi

It is essential that you have the required literature for at least the first course when the programme starts. You need to start reading immediately when the studies begin. The easiest way is often to buy the literature from Amazon, or, if you are a resident of Sweden, from bokus.com or adlibris.com.

Here is the mandatory literature for the first course:

Alvesson, M., Blom, M. & Sveningsson, S. Reflexive Leadership: Organising in an

imperfect world. London: SAGE Publications. Latest edition.

Bennis, W. On Becoming A Leader. London: Arrow. Latest edition.

 De Pree, M. Leadership Is an Art. New York: Doubleday Business on 1989. Latest


 Gardner, H. Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership. New York: Basic Books.

Latest edition.


Additional reading will be provided by the University.


More information
For more information please contact:
telephone : +46 (0)772-28 80 00


Best Regards

Mikael Lundgren
Programme Director

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 3:55 PM