L6_02_Lifts (Known mistake: Topological equivalence, not conjugacy)
L6_03_Example 1: The rotation (Known mistake: F is a lift of R_\alpha, not f)
L6_04_Example 2: The standard map
L6_05_Standard map, continuation
L6_08_The formula for the lift
L6_12_The inverse is continuous
L6_14_Example: Orientation reversing homeomorphisms
L6_15_The iterates of the lift
L6_16_A periodic function bounded in amplitude
L6_17_A consequence for the iterates
L6_19_Independence of the variable
L6_20_Periodic points and existence, basic observations
L6_21_Periodic points and existence, the computation
L6_22_No periodic points, observations
L6_24_The integer difference (Known mistake: prove assertion, not assumption)
Last modified: Friday, 29 May 2020, 3:35 PM