Welcome to Linnaeus University and the School of Business and Economics! 

Congratulations on admission to the International Business Strategy master programme (EAIS2) at the School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, Kalmar campus! We are looking forward to welcoming you to the programme during Fall 2024.

The compulsory introduction session will take place on Tuesday, 3 September, from 09:15-12:00 in House Magna, Room Ma1062, Kalmar Campus, Universitetskajen 1, Kalmar. If you have any questions regardning the programme introduction, please contact terese.nilsson@lnu.se. We plan with the student union for you to join some student orientation activites after the introduction. 

The International Business Strategy programme will provide international business strategy, marketing, and entrepreneurship courses, which will deepen your theoretical knowledge in these areas and give you practical insights through case-based reports and seminars. The courses will be research-based to connect you to the research frontier. As part of an international programme, the cross-cultural learning environment will spur your knowledge development and create an arena for personal growth.

Please also note the university introduction days during the week before programme start (a separate invitation will be sent). We highly recommend you participate in those events to get the best start to your studies.

Overall, a good link for information when you are admitted as a new student at LNU is: https://lnu.se/en/student/new-student/ 


The autumn term starts on 2nd September, 2024. Note that the Vice-Chancellor has decided all students must register by the end of first week of the term.

Before your courses start, you can find syllabuses, literature lists, and timetables online via moodle.lnu.se. The timetable usually is complete and published about four weeks before the course starts. You can search the timetable manually in TimeEdit (search with course code). Each course is planned for 40 hours of study each week. Besides the scheduled activities, time is given for self-studies and group work.

For syllabuses/literature, Please visit (search with course code): Course and programme syllabi

Obtain a student account and register.

As a student, you must register for each course – the registration period is one week prior and one week after the course starts. To register, you must have a student account. You will find information on how to get one at www.lnu.se/en/student/new-student/. You must register to begin studying in the programme/course you have been admitted to.

For further information on registration, visit: https://lnu.se/en/education/Before-your-studies/

Pay your tuition fee.

A requirement to register is to have paid the tuition fee, so make sure to apply for the course in due time, order an invoice, and pay it in order to be able to register for the course - more information about tuition fees can be found at: www.lnu.se/en/student/new-student/tuition-fees-and-scholarships/

At the School of Business and Economics, you need to apply for your courses for each semester; when you apply for the programme for Fall 2022, you have automatically applied for the first semester and the three courses are given:

  • Global Challenges and Opportunities (4FE448), 7,5 credits.
  • International Business Strategy in Emerging Markets (4FE517), 15 credits.
  • Internationalization of the Entrepreneurial Firm (4FE450) 7,5 credits.

You must apply for the Spring 2025 courses in October 2024 and Fall 2025 courses in April 2025 etc. Further information will be given before the deadline of the application period, but pay attention to not miss the deadline and the continuation of your studies.

Note, if you have a study visa, the Migration Board has strict rules about how to fulfill your visa requirements. You should follow the criteria concerning course participation and minimum credits to avoid the problem some previous students have faced - having their student visa revoked and deportation out of the country.

IT support/Student support

If you have IT-related questions, contact the IT department Student Support:

E-mail: it-avdelningen@lnu.se Telephone:  +46 (0)480-44 67 00.


You are welcome to contact us at the School of Business and Economics if you have any questions.

E-mail: ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se Telephone: +46 (0)480-49 71 00.

Linnaeus University: 0772-28 80 00

If you want to contact International Office to get information about exchange studies at Linnaeus University or what to prepare before arrival, use the link below:



We look forward to seeing you on-site at Campus Kalmar for your studies with us at the International Business Strategy master programme from Fall 2024!

Best regards,

Dr. Richard Afriyie Owusu (Associate Professor)

Head of the International Business Strategy programme

richard.owusu@lnu.se - answers questions on programme and course contents


Ms. Terese Nilsson

Master programme administrator

terese.nilsson@lnu.se - answers all questions related to your studies and stay in Kalmar and at the Linnaeus University/School of Business and Economics/ International Business Strategy programme

Last modified: Wednesday, 5 June 2024, 1:45 PM