Welcome to Linnaeus University!

You have applied and been accepted to the master programme in Corporate Governance – Accounting and Finance at the School of Business and Economics.


You are most welcome to a challenging and hopefully very rewarding year at Linnaeus University, as a student on the one-year master programme Corporate Governance – Accounting and Finance. If you decide to take on the challenge, you will a little more than a year from now most likely be able to entitle yourself Master of Science (one year), but also an expert in corporate governance – an area of expertise of particular pertinence in the contemporary business world.

The programme begins on Monday the 2nd of September. On this day you will have introductory lectures on the fist course of the programme (schedule will appear on the following link close to the summer) and a programme introduction (8.15 am-10 am, room will appear in the schedule at the following link) with information specifically for you who are a student on the Corporate Governance master programme (as around half of the participants on the first course come from a different study programme). It is important that you participate in all these sessions on the first day as they all will provide you with essential information for your coming studies. 

Practical information

The following link will provide you with useful practical information about registration, accommodation and similar issues that you need to tend to before you commence your studies: https://lnu.se/en/student/new-student/


The programme starts with a challenging 30 credits (one full semester) course entitled Corporate Governance. The course will give an overview of most aspects of corporate governance theory and research and its link to accounting/auditing and financial markets.

In the course, you will study both classics and contemporary research texts pertaining to corporate governance. The course literature consists entirely of research articles that you will be able download for free once you are a registered student. In addition to a lot of reading, you will practice other skills important for your future career, such as writing reports individually or in group, oral presentation and research methods.

The syllabus for the course Corporate Governance is available at the following link: https://kursplan.lnu.se/kursplaner/syllabus-4FE072-2.pdf

The programme syllabus is available at the following link: https://kursplan.lnu.se/utbildningsplaner/syllabus-EACG1-2.pdf

More information

For more information please contact programme coordinator Andreas Jansson:

e-mail: Andreas.jansson@lnu.se  

telephone: +46 470-70 82 30

Switchboard for Linnaeus University: 0772-28 80 00


Best regards,

Andreas Jansson

PhD, Associate Professor

Programme Coordinator

Last modified: Monday, 3 June 2019, 3:06 PM