Welcome to Linnaeus University 

You have applied and been accepted to Sustainable Energy Processes and Systems (SEPS) TAMP3 at the Faculty of Technology.

Welcome to our program! The program starts 31 Augiut 2010. At 10 o´clock there will be an Program and course introduction on campus
Hous K 1011V. The introduction, and the lecutures, will be availible online with ZOOM.

If you need further information on the online lecturers, contact cours coodrinators 

Michael Strand (Sustainable Energy Supply) Michael.strand@lnu.se
Krusna.Mahapatra@lnu.se (Inovation)

Please visit: https://lnu.se/en/education/Before-your-studies/

Syllabi/ Literature 
Please visit:
Course and programme syllabi

Ad more information if you like to.

More information
For more information please contact 
e-mail: Jan Brandin, Jan.brandin@lnu.se 
telephone: 0765-920781

Linnaeus University: 0772-28 80 00

Best Regards

Jan Brandin

Last modified: Tuesday, 25 August 2020, 3:01 PM