Help with Moodle

There are several ways to get help using Moodle.

Built-in help for Moodle

GuiderDown in the right hand corner of Moodle you will always find Guides, a built-in help system that is contextual. That is, depending on where you are in Moodle (for example, in a course) and what role you have, you will see guides for different things you can do.

Note that Guides don't show on small screens, like smartphones.

On some pages you'll see this symbol. You can click it to start a guide right away. direktguide


ServiceportalenLinné University Service Portal contains support material for most of our systems, including Moodle, LnuPlay and Zoom. Go to and click on "Guides/F.A.Q" or use the search function.

Moodle for Students

Moodle for Staff


MoodeDocsMoodleDocs is Moodle's own support system. It is contextual and depends on where in Moodle you are and what role you have. It is visible only to those who have permissions to administer the page or activity, usually only the course managers, teachers and administrators. 

Last modified: Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 2:47 PM