Our expectations

Our partner institution and we at LNU expect you to study full time and succeed in your studies during your exchange. Please keep in mind that during your exchange, you are representing both Linnaeus University and Sweden, so make sure you act accordingly. For instance, while we do understand that a study abroad experience is not only focused on the academic content, and we encourage you to participate in cultural/social activities, we also insist that those activities should under no circumstances take over your studies.

Changes to the Learning Agreement

Once you arrive at your host institution, it might happen that a course you had selected is not offered anymore, collides with another course you are taking or is different from what you expected and therefore does not meet your programme’s requirements. In such cases, this should be communicated and approved by email with your programme manager. This email conversation should be saved and sent to registrator@lnu.se with a copy to ftk.outexchange@lnu.se .

If you have done a DLA you can make the changes in Mobility Online and get new approval/signatures there.

Study tips

Studying abroad can be a little challenging at the beginning. Each country has its own way of teaching and its own expectations towards students. Therefore, it might take a few weeks for you to get accustomed to your new study environment. Do not hesitate to ask questions to your local teachers and classmates, and look for example of examinations that were given in the previous year so that you have a better idea of what is expected from you. Also, you can try to prepare yourself for studying abroad by searching for information about the local academic culture. Many countries have a website dedicated to higher education for foreigners, and there are also world-wide websites dealing with studying abroad which have information about a number of countries.


Senast ändrad: måndag, 21 augusti 2023, 15:19