The pedagogic approach in the Programme is different from traditional education. We assume that master students are adult individuals with a capacity for profound and critical analytic reasoning, individually as well as in teams. We also assume that the master students are self-motivated as they intend to develop there learning capacities for business carrier opportunities. We therefore treat master students as future-to-be-managers.

The teaching is conducted in interactive sessions rather than one-way communication lectures. The sessions aim at enhancing your managerial potential and analytical skills. The focus is on the learning process through interactive dialogue between students and teacher rather than just the knowledge content. Describing, analyzing, recommending is the key inference in developing your analytical capacity.

The sessions are task- and group oriented. The management challenges you are asked to handle are real-life examples from our sponsorship company, which aim to broaden your business perspective and competence. The companies are some of the most advanced exporters in our local county of Småland with the globe as their market. Their active participation in the programme renders the case studies a ‘live’ dimension.

With a clear and challenging task developed in a session, the master students then go to the premises of the sponsorship companies to collect relevant information in order to solve the task.

There is a strong link between theory and practice. The leading teachers base their teaching on books which they have written themselves. You will be introduced to advanced concepts, frameworks, and techniques of which the teachers have profound knowledge and self-experience.

The analyzed task is presented orally as well as in writing. The evaluating criteria are transparent to the master students and feedback is received systematically. Also the content of the courses as well as the teacher are evaluated.

Last modified: Thursday, 22 August 2013, 7:12 PM